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Реферат Technologies of teaching a foreign language as a second

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of KazakhstanAblaikhan University of International Relations and World Languagesof foreign language pedagogyof Methodology

PAPER: of teaching a foreign language as a second

Done by: Bakytzhan E.K.

Group: 301

Scientific Adviser: Begimbayeva MG

Almaty 2012



Chapter I. Theoretical aspect of technologies of teaching a foreign language as a second

1.1 The bases of teaching a foreign language

1.2 Effective technologies of teaching a foreign language as a second

1.2.1 Using project methods in teaching a foreign language

1.2.2 The method of debates

1.2.3 Games

Chapter II. Practical aspect of technologies of teaching a foreign language as a second




Last years the imperative need of using a foreign language appears in all areas of a science, manufacture and culture.present practice of teaching foreign languages ??there are some typical problems forcing the teacher to address to experience of the colleagues, to innovative ideas. Among these problems, difficulties and lacks of a traditional technique of teaching there are the following basic problems:

? Low authority of a subject because of shortages of a present technique of teaching.

? Low intensity of pupils speech activity.

? Superficiality in forming of base skills and haste of transition from reproductive to productive kinds of work.

? Absence of good practical recommendations on elimination and the prevention of gaps in pupils knowledge and skills.

? Weakness of existing system of appreciation of pupils work.

Different researches about methods and technologies of teaching done by famous authors such as David Nunan, Artamanova IA, Negnevitskaya E. I and others have showed, that all named problems will effectively be solved, if we apply elaborations of various innovators for amplification of a traditional technique of teaching that can increase essentially quality of teaching foreign (in particular English) language.and openness of the problem of effective teaching foreign languages ??have caused its actuality , and consequently the choice of a theme for the given course work.also has determined the aim of work: to distinguish the most rational techniques of teaching a foreign language which can be used in school.

The subject of this course paper is the process of teaching and pupils who are the subjects of this teaching process.

The object of research is to study the variety of methods and ways and their effectiveness of using in teaching a foreign language as a second.this work it is necessary to solve the following primary

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