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Реферат Comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of the company &Turboatom&

can conclude that the company is profitable, so competitive.

5.4 Analysis of the performance of the enterprise

Modern market economy require enterprises improve efficiency, competitiveness of products and services based on the introduction of scientific and technological progress, effective forms of management and production management, enhance entrepreneurship. In the market for economic development enterprises are forced to constantly monitor and improve the economic efficiency of their operations.term effect in Latin means result. Thus, the category of efficiency can be interpreted as a performance raquo ;. Term effect is the result value, a consequence of a change in an object caused by the action of external or internal factors. If a mathematical analogy, the effect - a delta increment a variable or the difference of the previous and next values. Clearly, the value of this delta can be both positive and negative, or even zero. Similarly, the effect can be positive when changes are beneficial and negative when changes are destructive, or zero if no change. However, the last case, namely when the result is zero, can in certain circumstances be considered either a positive or negative effect and not separately considered. Thus, there is an objective change of a system (object) and its evaluation. This assessment can be quantitative and qualitative in nature.Enterprise is a comprehensive assessment of the outcomes of fixed and circulating capital, labor and financial resources, and intangible assets over time. General methodology for determining the effectiveness can be formalized by the following relation:


where E - effect (results); - costs (resources).=1221/3418=35.7%=1324/3622=36.55%: The effectiveness of the enterprise in 2010 was lower than 2011r.Tse shows at improve the financial situation

.5 Factors increasing the efficiency of the enterprise

The economic and social efficiency (activity) depends on many factors. Therefore, for practical solutions to problems of performance management becomes important classification factors of growth on certain grounds. Classification factors increase the efficiency (productivity) of industrial and economic systems and other activities appropriate to carry on three grounds:

) the types of expenses and resources (sources increases);

) areas for development and improvement of production (activity);

) the place of the system of production management (activities) .factors at the first sign enables sufficiently clear definition of source efficiency: productivity growth and lower zarplatomistkosti products (living labor cost savings), reduced capital intensity of production and materials ( cost savings materialized labor) and natural resources (social labor cost savings). Active use of these sources of production efficiency (activity) involves complex activities that characterize the content of the main directions of development and improvement of industrial and commercial business entities (second classification feature) .priorities are:

) the acceleration of scientific-technical and organizational progress

(Increasing the technical and technological level of production, improve production structure, organizational management systems, forms and methods of activity, its planning and motivation);

) improve the quality and competitiveness of products (services);

) Comprehensive development and improvement of foreign business entities. Practically the most important factors to be considered classification performance of the place of management of the system (the third attribute grouping factors). Particularly important is vyokremlyuvannya internal (intra) and external (national economic) factors, as well as the division number of internal factors on the so-called hard and soft.of internal factors on the hard and soft is fairly conventional, but widely used in foreign practice management. Specific name of these groups of factors borrowed from computer terminology, according to which the computer itself is called hard goods raquo ;, and software - the soft goods raquo ;. By analogy hard factors are those that are physical parameters and measurable, and soft - Those that they can not physically feel, but they are essential for the economic management of labor collectives.directions of internal and external factors increase the efficiency of enterprises and organizations vary in degree of enterprises and organizations vary in degree of impact, degree of use and control. Therefore, practice management, for managers and related professionals (managers) of business or other activities important detalnee scope of knowledge, forms of control and use of the most significant internal and external factors of efficiency at different levels of management of labor coll...

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