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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Динамічне виділення оперативної пам'яті

Реферат Динамічне виділення оперативної пам'яті

egin (StringGrid1.cells [1, process [h] .pid - 1]= ) and ( process [h] .stat lt; gt; end ) then beginprocess [h] .pid gt; 1 then begin.cells [1, process [h] .pid - 1]:=process [h] .Imya; .cells [2, process [h] .pid - 1]:=process [h] .Razmer; .cells [3, process [h] .pid - 1]:=process [h] .vremya; .cells [4, process [h] .pid - 1]:=process [h] .adress ;.cells[1,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[2,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[3,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[4,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;[h].pid:= process [h] .pid - 1 ;;

(process [h] .stat lt; gt; end ) and (strtoint (process [h] .vremya)=0) then begin[h].stat:=laquo;endraquo;;.cells[1,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[2,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[3,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[4,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;;

(process [h] .stat lt; gt; end ) and (strtoint (process [h] .vremya) gt; 0) then begin (process [h] .ran gt; rand ) or (process [h] .ran_1=1) {or (kran gt; 0)} then begin [h] .Vremya:=inttostr (strtoint (process [h] .vremya) - 1); [h] .ran_1: =1; .cells [3, process [h] .pid]:=process [h] .vremya;

(process [h] .stat= end ) and (process [h] .prohoj=proh) then:=(strtoint (process [h] .Razmer)/(razmerpam/100 )) * 5;:=round (razm); ListBox1.Canvas do.Color:=clwhite; .Color:=clwhite; (Bounds (0, strtoint (process [h] .adress), 400, razm1)) ;; :=0; j3:=1 to i do beginprocess [j3] .stat lt; gt; end then:=strtoint (process [j3] .Razmer) + sump; .Panels.items [0] .text:= Вільно пам'яті: + inttostr (strtoint (edit1.Text) -sump) + Mb raquo ;;. Panels.items [1] .text:= Зайнято пам'яті: + inttostr (sump) + Mb raquo ;;:=i + 1; butt=1 ;;

програма оперативний пам'ять інтерфейс

Ручне додавання процесів

. cells [1,0]:= Назва процесу raquo ;;. cells [2,0]:= Pазмер процесу (Байт) raquo ;;. cells [3,0]: = Bремя виконання raquo ;;. cells [4,0]:= Адреса в ОПraquo;;;:=strtoint(edit1.Text);(process,i+1);:=inttostr(i);[i].prohoj:=proh;[i].Imya:=laquo;Process # + str; [i] .PID:=i;:=random (19) +4; edit3.text then process [i] .Razmer:=edit3.text else process [i] .Razmer :=inttostr (j); [i] .PID:=i; _2:=inttostr (random (9) +2); edit2.text then process [i] .Vremya:=edit2.text else process [i]. Vremya:=str_2; edit4.text then process [i] .ran:=strtoint (edit4.text) else process [i] .ran:=random (99) +1;:=poz + prcent;:=(strtoint(process[i].Razmer)/(razmerpam/100))*5;[i].Adress:=inttostr(round(poz));:=opraz+strtoint(process[i].Razmer);:=Round(prcent) ;:=round (poz); [i] .cr:=random (255) +1; [i] .sin:=random (255) +1; [i] .zel:=random (255) +1; ListBox1.Canvas do.Color:=RGB (0,0,0) ;. Color:=RGB (process [i] .cr, process [i] .sin, process [i] .zel); (Bounds (0, poz1, 400, prcent1)); (10, poz1 + 1, process [i] .Imya) ;;

opraz gt; razmerpam then begin:=proh + 1; ListBox1.Canvas do.Color:=clwhite; .Color:=clwhite; (Bounds (0, 0, 400,500)) ;;:=0 ;:=0;:=0; h:=1 to i do beginprocess [h] .stat lt; gt; end then begin [h] .prohoj:=proh;:=opraz + strtoint (process [h] .Razmer); opraz lt; razmerpam then begin:=poz + prcent;:=(strtoint (process [h] .Razmer)/( razmerpam/100)) * 5; [h] .Adress:=inttostr (round (poz));:=((strtoint (process [h] .Razmer))/(razmerpam/100)) * 5;:=round (razm); ListBox1.Canvas do.Color:=clblack; .Color:=RGB (process [h] .cr, process [h] .sin, process [h] .zel); (Bounds (0, strtoint (process [h] .adress), 400, razm1)) ;; else begin MessageDlg ( Пам'ять переповнена. raquo ;, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0) ;. Click ;;

. RowCount:=stringgrid1.rowcount+1;.cells[1,i]:=process[i].imya;.cells[2,i]:=process[i].razmer;.cells[3,i]:=process[i].vremya;.cells[4,i]:=process[i].adress;:=0;j3 :=1 to i do beginprocess [j3] .stat lt; gt; end then:=strtoint (process [j3] .Razmer) + sump; .Panels.items [0] .text:= Вільно пам'яті: + inttostr (strtoint (edit1.Text) -sump) + Mb raquo ;;. Panels.items [1] .text:= Зайнято пам'яті: + inttostr (sump) + Mb raquo ;; i:=i + 1;

Ручне виконання процесса.cells [1,0]:= Назва процесу raquo ;;. cells [2,0]:= Pазмер процесу (Байт) raquo ;;. cells [3, 0]:= Bремя виконання raquo ;;. cells [4,0]:= Адреса в ОП raquo ;;:=100; I1:=1 to i doprocess [i1] .PID=StringGrid1.Row then h:= i1; i1:=1 to strtoint (process [h] .Vremya) +1 do begin (process [h] .stat lt; gt; end ) and (strtoint (process [h] .vremya)=0) then begin[h].stat:=laquo;endraquo;;.cells[1,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[2,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[3,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;.cells[4,process[h].pid]:=laquo;raquo;;;j2:=1 to i doprocess [j2] .ran_1 lt; gt; 0 then kran:=kran + 1; (process [h] .stat lt; gt; end ) and (strtoint (process [h] .vremya) gt; 0) then begin (process [h] .ran lt; rand) or (process [h] .ran_1=1) then begin [...

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