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Реферат Corporate Social Responsibility: Milton Friedman vs. Archie Carroll

done to surrounding environment by action/inaction of the organization; results of influence on political, economic, social spheres (in this case means, attempts of creation of monopolies, arrangement of corporations, creation of the laws lobbying interests of minority) etc. It is necessary to refer to voluntary external responsibility taken by the organization of a duty for participation in charity, sponsorship, actions for protection of the surrounding environment, the organizations not relating directly to activity, support of the population in crisis and emergency situations.of such corporate social responsibility are not simply charitable business. Social responsibility has motives: for example, development of own personal allows not only to avoid turnover of staff, but also to involve the best experts in the market. Such actions as lead to a work gain in productivity in the companies, improvement of image of the company, to reputation growth. Also important aspect is publicizing of activity of the company in mass media. CRS gives stability and stability of development of the company in long-term prospect that is very important. As it is impossible to forget that possibility of attraction of the investment capital for the social and responsible companies is higher, than for other companies and as the tax concessions. Well and the most important motivation, this preservation of social stability in society as a whole.


3. Profitability of CSR

corporate social responsibility company

After more deeply studying of value of CSR, there is a question about the rationality in expenditure of resources. Also there is a big deal with question about profitability of CSR. Upon corporate social responsibility is a voluntary contribution of business to society development in the social, economic and ecological spheres, connected directly with primary activity of the company and beyond the minimum defined by the law.Bowen in the book claims that the idea of ??social responsibility is applicable to business as the social purposes in business practice can bring social and economic benefits to society. But on the other hand, those who in is aimed only at receiving profit, consider that business should not spend money for non-core activity. Others consider that to live in society and to be free from society it is impossible that it is social investments.corporate social responsibility positively affects image of the company that is important for PR. In the modern world the social position, social projects have the increasing impact on reputation of the organization. Besides, in the conditions of the competition the role plays not only favorable image, but also idea of ??benefit.the one hand CSR a key to success of the company, to its prosperity and as it is the help to the staff of corporation and investment of capital in social programs. But on the other hand it not the expenses necessary to business and sponsorships of projects which not making any profit. So where is truth? For this reason there is no ambiguity and there are several approaches for CSR.

3.1 Friedman s Approach

I already stated earlier, CSR in essence very difficult system and has a set of approaches. So for example in +2011 The European Commission gives the following definition of CSR: Corporate social responsibility, in essence, is the concept which reflects the voluntary decision of the companies to participate in improvement of society and environment protection .definition of CSR offers the UN, in the Development program where it is understood as influence of business on society. The UN suggests to note three CSR levels where the first and second levels are connected with performance of duties before the state and society in the form of timely payment of taxes, salaries, the organization of new workplaces and improvement of quality of life of staff of the organization. The third level assumes participation of the organizations in charity.reason of a choice of such alternative approach is obvious. Economists, representatives of the largest business and other structures which are directly related to formation of economic trends of the modern world became the main participants of discussion and formation of the main definitions. Opportunity independently to form the share in social responsibility is favorable to them. Voluntariness also can mean and lack of CSR as that if the head of the organization considers such policy impossible or even the harmful organization. Now in the world in the economic sphere other approach assuming maximizing profit by a main goal of activity of the organization was approved qualitatively.relations to CSR problem sometimes are opposite. The Nobel Prize laureate in the field of economy Milton Friedman categorically in...

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