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Реферат Perfect Tenses

fession (Act I), Vivie comes into the room and Mrs. Warren asks her, Where have you been, Vivie? it is quite evident that Vivie no longer is in the place about which Mrs. Warren is inquiring; now she is in the room with her mother and it would be pointless for Mrs. Warren to ask any question about that. These two uses of the present perfect (and similar uses of the past perfect, too) have sometimes been classed under the headings present (or past) perfect inclusive and present (or past) perfect exclusive laquo ;. This terminology can not be recommended, because it suggests the idea that there are two different meanings of the present (or past) perfect, which is surely wrong. The difference does not lie in the meanings of the perfect form, but depends on the situation in which the sentence is used. The same consideration applies to the present (or past) perfect continuous, which is also occasionally classified into present (or past) perfect continuous inclusive and present (or past) perfect continuous exclusive. The difference in the meaning of sentences is a very real one, as will be seen from the following examples. Sam, you know everybody she said, who is that terrible man I ve been talking to? His name is Campofiore. Raquo; [21, p.112]. I have been saving money these many months [21, p.112]. Do you mean to say that Jack has been playing with me all the time? That he has been urging me not to marry you because he intends to marry you himself? [21, p.113]. However, this is not a difference in the meaning of the verbal form itself, which is the same in all cases, but a difference depending on the situation or context. If we were to ascribe the two meanings to the form as such, we should be losing its grammatical invariable, which we are trying to determine [21, p.114] .course it can not be said that the analysis here given exhausts all possible uses and applications of the perfect forms in Modern English. We should always bear in mind that extensions of use are possible which may sometimes go beyond the strict limits of the system. Thus, we occasionally find the present perfect used in complex sentences both in the main and in the subordinate clause- a use which does not quite fit in with the definition of the meaning of the form. E.g. I ve sometimes wondered if I haven t seemed a little too frank and free with you, if you might not have thought I had gone gay raquo ;, considering our friendship was so far from intimate. [21, p.113]. We shall best understand this use if we substitute the past tense for the present perfect. The sentence then would run like this: I have sometimes wondered if I hadn t seemed a little too frank and free with you ... An important shade of meaning of the original sentence has been lost in this variant, viz. that of an experience summed up and ready at the time of speaking. With the past tense, the sentence merely deals with events of a past time unconnected with the present, whereas with the present perfect there is the additional meaning of all those past events being alive in the speaker s mind [21, p.118].examples might of course be found in which there is some peculiarity or other in the use of a perfect form. In the course of time, if such varied uses accumulate, they may indeed bring about a modification of the meaning of the form itself. This, however, lies beyond the scope of our present study [21, p.118] .Perfect form denotes an action completed before the present moment (and connected with it) or before the present moment in the past or future.is formed by means of the auxiliary verb to have in the required tense and Participle II of the notional verb [12, p.48]. (pict.1.)


perfect tense continuous text

1.2 The Present Perfect

formation of the Present Perfect.

. The present perfect is formed by means of the Present Indefinite of the auxiliary verb to have and Participle II of the notional verb.

. In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject. In the negative form particle not is placed after the auxiliary verb.have worked. Have I worked? I have not worked [12, p.117].

. The contracted affirmative forms are: ve worked. He s worked. You ve worked [12, p.117] .contracted negative forms are: haven t worked. He hasn t worked. You haven t worked [12, p. 117].

. The negative-interrogative forms are: she not worked? Hasn t she worked? You not worked? Haven t you worked? [12, p. 117] .use of the Present Perfect.

. The present perfect denotes a completed action connected with the present. (Pict.2)

. 2.

the car! They have killed a child [XIII, p. 58] .am a little frightened...

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