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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Perfect Tenses

Реферат Perfect Tenses

for I have lost my way [III, p. 13] .present perfect is frequently used with the adverbs just, yet, already and of late. The adverb yet is used only in interrogative and negative sentences .. Worthing, I suppose, has not returned from town yet! [XI, p. 18] .have just written to him [V, p. 31] .has done a great deal of work of late [12, p. 117] .Present Perfect can be rendered in Russian by the past perfective or imperfective.many pages have you translated for today?- Скільки сторінок ви перевели до сьогодення? [12, p.118] .you ever translated technical articles?- Ви перекладали коли-небудь технічні статті? [12, p. 118].

. The Present Perfect is used in adverbial clauses of time after the conjunctions when, till, until, before, after, as soon as to denote an action completed before a definite moment in the future. t buy any more meat tomorrow until you have spoken to the mistress about it [I, p.78] .am not going till you have answered me [X, p.37].

. The Present Perfect denotes an action which began in the past, has been going on up to the present and is still going on. In this case either the starting point of the action is indicated or the whole period of duration. The preposition for is used to denote the whole period of duration. Since is used to indicate the starting point of the action. If the conjunction since introduces a clause, the verb in this clause is in the Past Indefinite. Mr. Cowperwood, I have known you now for something like fourteen years [XV, p.260] .have been engaged these four years [IX, p.81] .have you been since last Thursday? [XI, p.25] .you been alone, Florence, since I was here last? [IV, p.192] .use of the Present Perfect is called the Present Perfect Inclusive. The Present Perfect Inclusive is used :) with verbs not admitting of the Continuous form.

There is nothing to be done. She s dead - has been dead for hours, said the doctor [VIII, p.64].) In negative sentences [12, p.42-43] .have not slept since that night [I, p.97].) with non-terminative verbs such as to live, to work, to study, to teach, to travel etc. [12, p.42-43] .have worked upon the problem for a long time without reaching any conclusion [II.p.163] .Present Perfect in this case is translated into Russian by the present or sometimes by the past imperfective.have know him for many years.- Я знаю його багато лет.have always been fond of music.- Я завжди любив музику [12, p.120] .Past Indefinite and the Present Perfect.action expressed by the Past Indefinite belongs exclusively to the sphere of the past, while the Present Perfect shows that a past occurrence is connected with the present time.is not well and has changed very much of late. She changed very much a great many years ago [IV, p.212] .present Perfect is never used with such adverbial modifiers of the past time as yesterday, the other day, last week etc. With such adverbial modifiers as today, this week etc., both the Present Perfect and the Past Indefinite are used. The tenses are used according to the principle mentioned above [11, p.15/p.35] .have told you three times this week that she is coming home for a year [XIII, p.145] .want your sister, the woman who gave me money today [IV, p.251] .the adverb just The Present Perfect is used.have just hired a new pianist from St. Joe - a Negro [XIII, p.76] .the expression just now the Past Indefinite is used.saw you come in just now [XV, p.267].

. 3 The Past Perfect

formation of the Past Perfect.

. The Past Perfect is formed by means of the Past Indefinite of the auxiliary verb to have and Participle II of the notional verb.

. In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject. In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the auxiliary verb.I worked? I had not worked [12, p.121].

. The contracted affirmative forms are: d written. We d written [12, p.121] .contracted negative forms are: hadn t written. We hadn t written.

. The negative-interrogative forms are: he not written? Hadn t he written? You not written? Hadn t you written? [12, p.122] .use of the Past Perfect.

. The Past Perfect denotes an action completed before a certain moment in the past. The moment may be indicated by another past action expressed by a verb in the Past Indefinite or by an adverbial phrase. (pict.3.)


had walked only a few steps when a second group of tanks drew up on the side road [XII, p.130] .she had cried out, she felt easier [XII, p.171]. the rain had stopped before we started [I, p.80] .this time Cowperwood had written Aileen under no circumstances to try to see him [XIV, p.62] .clock had not struck when he reached ...

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