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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Formation of the marketing mix company

Реферат Formation of the marketing mix company

companied by the collection and search of raw data. A need for this arises either at the final stage of the study, or insufficient number of secondary data to make appropriate decisions .research should be systematic, not random. This is not a one-off measures and a set of actions or processes that involve the collection, recording and analysis. Objectivity is ensured that the information comes from different sources, of course, eager to data were deep and meaningful, because otherwise you can reach erroneous conclusions. The scientific approach is based on objectivity, accuracy and thoroughness. The purpose of this study is to analyze the needs and tastes of consumers, motives acquisition of goods and services. With it, the company Medochok seeks to answer a series of questions:

· Do people need a new brand of honey?

· Are they prepared to pay more for a quality product?

· Under what characteristics should be subject to a new med?

· Size and weight it is advisable to produce a unit of honey?

· What most affects the decision to purchase honey?

To get some answers to questions imputation we conduct a survey among starshohopidlitkovoho age and older people, including pensioners, because they consume the most honey. For this questionnaire was developed, the required number of respondents - 40-50 people.

After the survey, we present the analysis of the results.the picture 2.1 shows us the people, who like honey.Among the respondents, most people like the product (83%), which means that they can be considered as our potential clients.

. 2.1 Number of people who like honey

2.2 Shows us the favorite kinds of honey according the taste of potential buyers. We can see that most respondents prefer Flower honey (47%), the second place is for Liquid honey (26%). This means, that we should product enough of these two kinds of honey and develop the production system.

Pic.2.2 The buyers favorite kinds of honey

On picture 2.3 we can see the frequency of using honey. The biggest part of respondents use honey 2-3 times a month (31%), the next result was 27% - this is the part of people, who use honey once a month.

Pic.2.3 The frequency of using honey of potential buyers

2.4 shows us the popularity of our product. The result is very good - almost 80% of respondents have tried or used our product. That also means that we can make it even more popular, using parts of SMC.

Pic.2.4 The popularity of honey Medochok

Picture 2.5 is very informative. This picture shows us the real feelings of respondents towards our product. As we see, our cuatomers totally agree, that iur product has got high quality and is well build. But we also can see that they are not definitely sure, that medochok is a brand, they can trust as well as they thunk that our product is quite expensive.

Pic.2.5 The opinion about honey Medochok

Picture 2.6 informs us about the customers attitude towards our product. Most respondents (37%) admit, that Medochok is a minor improvement of the product, that they used before.

Pic.2.6 The discription of needs

This picture shows us the total reaction towards Medochok .the answer of most respondents was that the product is very good (37%), answers fair, good and excellent are almost on the same level, which showsthe great attidude of buyers towards our product.

Pic.2.7 Reaction to product

Picture 2.8 shows us the level of influence on the potential buyers. We can see, that most respondents answered, that nobody influences their buying decision (70%).

Pic.2.8 The influence on potential buyers

From this pucture we can see that the main places for buying honey are: special shops selling organic products (32%) as well as stalls in the market (30%) and supermarkets (24%).

Pic.2.9 The main places of buying honey

. 10 shows us that within their budget, 43% of respondents will be somewhat interested in buying our product, and 27% - will be extrmely interested.

Pic.2.10 The interest on buying honey if it was within potential buyers budget

From picture 2.11 We can see that our main rivals are Ukrainain honey and Svit medu.

Pic.2.11The popularity of rival brands

2.12 show us that within potential buyers there are 53% of women and 47% of men.

Pic.2.12 Gender of potential buyers

From picture 2.13 we can jump into conclusion that our m...

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