ttributive, adverbial or other subordinate clauses. В
eg. 1) My son having lost the key , we could not enter the house. - Оскільки мій Цин втратив ключ , ми НЕ могли увійти в будинок . (Participle)
Here Participle is translated into Russian as the predicate of a subordinate clause.
2) There is no mistake about i> his being a genius . - Не може бути жодного сумніву в тому, що він - геній. (Gerund)
3) She heard him open the door and go out into the garden. - Вона чула , як він відкрив двері і вийшов під двір . (Infinitive)
My course paper aims at analyzing the Predicative Constructions with the Infinitive, the ways of translating them into Russian.
Predicative Infinitive Constructions
In Modern English we distinguish the following predicative constructions with the infinitive:
1. The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction
2. The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction
3. The For-to-Infinitive Construction
4. The Absolute Infinitive.
I. The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction
The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is a construction in which the Infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case. In the sentence this construction has the function of a Complex Object . In translating the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction into Russian there is always used a subordinate clause.
Eg. She is a wonderful teacher and I've never seen her lose her temper or get angry about anything . - Вона чудова вчителька , і я ніколи НЕ бачила , щоб вона вийшла з себе або розсердилася з - за чого - небудь .
I believe him to know this subject well . - Я пологаю , що він добре знає цей предмет .
I consider this question to be very important . - Я вважаю , що цей питання дуже важливий .
Although, sometimes a sentence containing The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction may be translated by a simple sentence.
Eg. The dread of the unknown made me recede (step back) . - Страх перед невідомістю змусив мене відступити .
He won ' t u> allow himself do otherwise . - Він не дозволить собі вчинити інакше .
One's gaze made me turn round . - Чий - то пильний погляд змусив мене обернутися . p>
His parents let him < i> go to country excursion . - Його батьки дозволили йому поїхати на заміську екскурсію .
She will never let him leave . - Вона ніколи не дозволить йому піти .
The Use of the Objective Infinitive Construction
The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is used:
1. After verbs denoting sense perception , such as: " to hear ", " to see "," to watch "," to feel "," to observe "," to notice ", etc.
Eg. I haven't heard anyone call me . - Я НЕ чув ,