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Реферат The Infinitive Constructions and The Ways of Their Using

> щоб

хто-небудь мене кликав .

I saw David enter < i> the room . - І бачив, як Девід увійшов до кімнати .


After verbs of sense perception only the Indefinite Infinitive Active is used. If the meaning is passive Participle II is used.


Eg. I saw the fire slowly faded . - Я бачив , як пожежа поступово потух .


If a process is expressed, Participle I Indefinite Active is used.


Eg . He saw Wendy coming - Він побачив, як Венді йде .


It should be noted that the verb " to see " should be followed by a clause and not by the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction, when it is used in the meaning of " to understand ".


Eg. I saw that he did not realize the danger. - Я бачив (розумів) , що він не усвідомлює небезпека.


After the verbs " to see " and " to notice " the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is not used with the verb "to be". In such cases Subordinate Clause is used.


Eg. I saw, that he was pale. - Я бачив , що він зблід .


When the verb " to hear " is not a verb of sense perception and is used in the meaning " to learn ", " to be told ", a clause or a gerund is used, but not the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction.


Eg . I heard that he had left for France . - Мені сказали (Я чув), що він поїхав у Францію.

We have heard that she has found a job. - Ми дізналися , що вона знайшла роботу .


2. After verbs denoting mental activity , such as: " to know ", " to think "," to consider "," to believe "," to suppose "," to expect "," to imagine "," to find "," to feel "," to trust ", and etc.

After verbs of mental activity in the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction the verb " to be " is generally used. But this restriction does not apply to the verb " to expect ". The use of this construction after most verbs of mental activity is more characteristic of literary than of colloquial style.


Eg . I know you to be the most honest < u>, spotless creature that < i> ever lived . - Я знаю, що Ви саме чесне і бездоганне істота з усіх , коли-небудь жили на світі.

If you suppose that boy to be friendless , you deceive yourself . - Якщо ви припускаєте, що у цього хлопчика немає друзів , ви помиляєтеся.

Everybody expected her to marry Pete . - Всі очікували , що вона вийде заміж за Піта .


After verbs of mental activity the Perfect Infinitive is used, but seldom.


Eg. The doctor found his heart to have stopped two hours before. - Доктор встановив , що його серце перестало битися два години < i> того назад .


In the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction after verbs " to think ", " to consider ", " to find ", the verb " To be " is left out.

For instance, instead of "I consider him to be a good specialist "we can say" I consider him a good specialist "and translate into Russian literally " Я вважаю його хорошим спеціалістом ". (This sentence is translated by simple sentence.)


3. After verbs of declaring : " to pronounce ", " to declare "," to report ".


Eg. The surgeon pronounced t...

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