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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Mortgage crediting

Реферат Mortgage crediting

of debts and so on. But all that is not sufficient, especially, if the long-term crediting is considered. The mortgage is more reliable form of guarantee (in contradistinction to individual form - warranty) of payment of loan under real estate which owner is not deprived of the right to manage it; the mortgage gives the creditor the right to collect and to sell the property of the borrower in the case of non-payment of indebtedness in the time of fulfillment of the obligation.

In the terms of general stagnation, crisis of non-payments and especially of bankruptcies of enterprises, from one side, and sharp necessity in renovation and technical re-equipment of production, from other side, the mortgage becomes the sole decision of problem for enterprise. Now the banks are ready to give credits for production only in the case of availability of reliable guarantees of loan return.

The system of mortgage crediting for the Russian enterprises, which possess as a rule enormous fixed assets, from my point of view, represents not only acceptable, but solely possible in the present conditions. The enterprises need for restoration of production in the first place the renovation of means of production in accordance with modern technologies. And for realisation of such modernisation the considerable long-term and relatively cheap credit resources are necessary. The mortgage credit is in conformity with such conditions.

The history of establishment and the experience of mortgage crediting in Russia.

The combination of experience of mortgage crediting of expenses for purchase of land before revolution with the practice of individual crediting of dwelling construction in the soviet time is the reliable theoretical foundation for development of recommendations on mortgage crediting at the present time.

In Russia the first mortgage organizations appeared in the second part of XVIII century. In contradistinction to the other countries where the land was the subject of mortgage, in Russia the subject of mortgage were serfs. In 1860 the state mortgage credit organizations which existed before reforms were liquidated. After cancellation of serf right by the decree of the tsar Alexandre II the commission for development of the mortgage law was organized on which basis the mortgage banks of different form of property began to arise. However the private banks had the problem of resources attraction for a long period of time, and in connection with that the necessity in the state guarantees on attraction of such means appeared. The state took measures operatively for increase of liquidity of mortgage bonds: the persons who had them got the possibility either to use them as collateral in the purpose to get credit or to sell them.

It is important that the section appeared in the banking legislation, which regulated the activity of mortgage credit organizations, and then this legislation was divided into two par...

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