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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Mortgage crediting

Реферат Mortgage crediting

ts: one - for commercial banks, which were considered as the banks of short-term crediting, the other - for mortgage banks, which acted on other principles.

The establishment of mortgage credit after 1861 was stipulated by the needs of landowners holding, which faced the difficulties of the "reconstruction" in the period of reforms. The noblemen preserved their rights on real estate, but they did not have large capitals. The need of landowners in means was satisfied for account of land long-term crediting.

The considerable demand on mortgage loans was also in the cities among the house-owners from petty bourgeoises and merchants. The development of trade and business activity, the increase of the offers of stock values ​​in connection with the wave of joint stock foundation, required the large cash means.

In the middle of 60 years of XIX century the mortgage organizations began to appear in Russia, which were founded on the capitalist principles of functioning. At the end of 80 years the system of mortgage credit was built, which consisted of corporation, mutual and joint stock, private and state credit organizations. This system enveloped the territory of the whole European Russia.

The mortgage banks granted long-term loans (Till some decades) under the collateral of real estate: private lands in the country and houses (constructions) in the cities. The banks accumulated the means for granting credits for account of issue of mortgage bonds - mortgage sheets. These bonds were supported by the property pledged as security in the bank. p> The amount of interest, which was paid by the borrowers to the bank for granted loan, exceeded the amount of the interest, which was paid by the bank to the holders of mortgage sheets. This difference was the main source of the bank profit. The amount of issued into circulation mortgage sheets should not exceed the joint stock and the stock capital more than in 10 times.

The joint stock land banks tried to develop the mortgage crediting also in the cities. However the government limited in the interests of landowners its operations in the cities in the frames of one third of the total of unpaid loans.

The joint stock land banks realized its activity with support and under control of the government. The body, which effected the immediate control over the bank activity, was special office on credit affairs of the Ministry of finances. The government realized the control over issuing of shares and mortgage sheets, provided coordination of private banks with state - Noble and Peasant - banks.

The structure of the profit of the joint stock land banks was typical. The long-term loans gave approximately half of the profit, the short-term credits and the securities, belonged to the bank, gave the other part of the bank profit.

The mortgage banks invested their capitals in the state and assured by the government securities, and because...

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