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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Trends and challenges in management relating to organizational behavior

Реферат Trends and challenges in management relating to organizational behavior

promotes creativity and innovation В· results in better problem solving В· enhances organizational flexibility В· resistance to change В· lack of cohesiveness В· communication problems В· interpersonal conflicts В· slowed decision making

4. Describe the Rotary Club s 4 way ethics test

Harris and four business colleagues, who founded Rotary International, made an effort to address ethical and moral behavior right from the beginning. They developed the four-way test, which is now used throughout the world.four-way test, of what we think, say, or do:

. Is it the truth? p align="justify">. Is it FAIR to all concerned? p align="justify">. Will it build GOODWILL and better friendships? p align="justify">. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? br/>

. Explain the 4 theories of personality

major theories of personality are the trait theory, psychodynamic theory, humanistic theory, and the integrative approach. theory - the personality theory that states that in order to understand individuals, we must break down behavior patterns into a series of observable traits. Gordon Allport, a leading trait theorist, saw traits as broad, general guides that lend consistency to behavior.theory - the personality theory that emphasizes the unconscious determinants of behavior. Sigmund Freud saw personality as the interaction among three elements of personality: the id, ego, and superego. theory - the personality theory that emphasizes individual growth and improvement. Carl Rogers believed that all people have a basic drive toward self-actualization, which is the quest to be all you can be. approach - the broad theory that describes personality as a composite of an individual s psychological processes.

6. Discuss social perception and its elements (perceiver, target, situation, barriers)

perception is the process of interpreting information about another person. p align="justify"> Model for social perception

: perceptionimpression errorfulfilling prophecy

7. Identify 5 common barriers to social perception

perception - the process of selecting information that supports our individu...

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