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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Граматика англійської мови

Реферат Граматика англійської мови

Did you have a good flight? Yes, thanks, I had a very good flight. p align="justify">. Who would you like to see? I d like to see Mr. Perez, if he s in the office.

. Whith whom did you speak last visit? On my last visit I spoke to Ms.Wong. p align="justify">. Who recommended the hotel to you? It was Mr.Grun who recommended the hotel to me. p align="justify">. Are you going to meet your husband? No, my husband is traveling with me. I m meeting him later.

. Till what time will you be staying here? We ll probably be staying till Friday morning.

. Has he ever being here befor? No, this is his first visit. He s never been here before.

5. Complete each sentence with a suitable question tag.

1. The phone number is 518361 , isn t it ?

2. This machine doesn t operate automatically, does it?

. We can send the catalogues by surface mail, can t we?

. You ve studied this subject for some time, haven t you?

. We must confirm this by sending them a fax, mustn t we?

. She isn t in the office today, is he?

. They ll let us know before the end of the month, will not they?

. It is the time for dinner, isn t it?

6. Rewrite these sentences in the passive form.

1. The postman will bring the letter. The letter will be brought by the postman.

2. They close shops at eight. Shops are closed at eight by them.

. The guide met the tourists at the station. The tourists were met by the guide at the station.

. They have already translated the article. The article has been already translated by them.

. You must use a dictionary. A dictionary must be used by you.

. Somebody made this plate i...

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