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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Граматика англійської мови

Реферат Граматика англійської мови

e: Me too usually. But this week I do not have time, so I went yesterday. p align="justify"> 2. Jan: Did you see that science program on TV last night?: No, I don t never watch TV.: It is wonderful. It shows a new way of repairing a heart.: Oh.

. Jill: Why are you looking at me?: Because you wearing a new dress and you look very good in it.: Thank you. I bought it yesterday. p align="justify">. Val: What is Jim doing this morning?: He s at the doctor s at the moment.: Oh dear. What happened?: He fell and hurt his leg yesterday when he was running for a bus.

. Vic: Was Sally working at half past seven last night?: No, she was helping me with the dinner. She often helps in the kitchen.: When did she go out?: She didn t. She was staying at home all evening.

3. Complete the sentences with words from the box. In one sentence, no word is necessary.

At on in until since for from to

1. Pat s uncle left Canada in 1968 and went to Brazil.

2. John is getting married in the end of the month.

. The accident happened on Monday morning when Sue was driving to work.

. Alan has been feeling sick since he ate some fish last night.

. Are you going to stay to the end of the film?

. The birds started singing at half past four this morning.

. We ll know the result of the exam in three weeks.

. An American player won the tennis championship for Independence Day.

. Robert is going to stop work next February.

10. I swim in the sea every day of summer.

11. Does John really enjoy working at night?

. How long are you going to stay here? - Until can speak the language perfectly.

4. Write down the questions that led to each of these answer.

1. Are you Mrs. Meier? That s right. Pleased to meet you.


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