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Реферат Liberal and democratic political modes in a modern world

cracy should be primarily in countries with medium levels of economic development economic growth after World War II allowed many States to join the group of middle-income countries, which expanded the potential base of democracy, economic spryalo transition to it.third factor associated with the adjustment of its position the Catholic Church. The fact that modern democracies were formed especially in Christian countries, and until recently Catholicism coexisted with authoritarian regimes. Change the position of the Roman Catholic Church, which began to advocate the need for social change, helping the poor, protection of human rights has stimulated a wave of democratization.fourth factor is dictated by the change in the early 70's foreign policy of leading political forces - the US, former Soviet Union, European Community, which was to support the ideas of democracy and human rights protectionfifth factor is caused by the development of global information systems. A characteristic feature of the third wave of democratization is mainly used for its development and approval of non-violence, compromise agreements, elections. Their presence is increasingly important, given the scope of problems facing the countries that enter into the third wave. According to Huntington, these are the problems of democracy :) development of a new constitution and new electoral law ;) purge the state apparatus, the replacement officials proavtorytarnoyi targeting supporters of democracy ;) cancellation or modification of laws that do not correspond to democracy; ) cancellation or fundamental reform of authoritarian institutions such as the secret police ;) one-party state in the distribution of property rights, functions, personnel between state and party;) forming the main political elites are able to work together to solve problems facing society and to refrain from the temptation to exploit them in their group of economic and political interests [3]. main characteristics of the liberal regime are: the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches at the increasing importance of legislative power, constitutionality, multi, absolute personal freedom, and almost complete restriction of the competence and scope of the state, its interference in the affairs of civil society, economic, social, spiritual processes.of the liberal regime is, above all, it is to some extent, intermediate, transition from totalitarian to democratic or authoritarian. Therefore, the lack of state control of the liberal regime (hypertrophied role as a counterweight to it in previous cases) leads to monopolies in various areas of life: a monopoly in politics - though there is a multi, but real power is often only one party, other parties are not her balances and do not compete with her monopoly in the economy - the lack of equal competition initially leads to economic growth, but then causes a decline in the economy.a liberal political regime in a variety...

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