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Реферат The essence of democracy and its core values

their moral and practical means to ensure their autonomy status. It serves this purpose most written in the Constitution rights and liberties., Privacyin which the person is able to define their own lives and exist independently of the other, called the private (personal) life. In a democratic state of law and human law forbid its communication range from the casual interest (secret telephone conversations, correspondence, photographs ban without permission rights etc.). Associationis a socially-oriented (that is directed at the community, society) form of belief. Democracy based on respect for civic thought, joint decision, civil order and social consensus. Associative (communitarian) values ​​of a strong ethical foundation of democratic existence. It is about solidarity, trust, mutual support and willingness to act in concert to protectorderis a universal value of any society. This means that most people would like to live in stability, orderliness and safety. But democracy - is permanent, but ordered (laws, procedures, civil balance, awareness and experience) conflict. Sometimes it takes a substantial scale (especially during elections), but that society will benefit as a result. At least not problems inside and do not take malignant latent nature. Thus, the culture of conflict is an important achievement of democracy. br/>

4. Features of modern democracy

, the true form of democracy is defined as direct and direct democracy. It got its name because the citizen has the opportunity to directly and without any intermediaries to influence the situation, to exercise their will, to express his own opinion. In the old policies (especially in Athens) on people's meeting came a few tens of thousands of citizens and it probably was a natural quantitative limit is not crossed that people could come together to work constructively and respect. Now there are hundreds of metropolises, where live millions of people who never will meet in general assembly. They can only vote and then once every few years, someone who would represent them in certain public bodies, or for any decision (as in a referendum). In the complex modern world direct (direct) democracy as the main mechanism domination became unattainable.to democracy in the new time is characterized by the loss of her some rice and acquiring others. Since the end of XVIII century. important place in ideas about democracy took liberal values ​​personal rights and freedoms, constitutionalism and the rule of law. Democracy and human rights formed the universal core of the constitutional state, various forms which owe their origin to the American and French revolutions. Liberal constitutional state (with an elected representative government, freedom of political choice and economic, legal security person) has such features:

Of people not of their sovereign power through direct participation in decision mak...

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