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Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

te and normalize. To support typical single units and small-scale types of production with a significant amount of manual labor. Disintegration of support and service agencies and facilities, low level of specialization and centralization led to their backwardness in technology and work organization. Analysis of the economic activity of enterprises shows a significant gap in technical and organizational level between the main and auxiliary production. In support and service operations below the level of mechanization and automation, significantly higher share of manual labor that makes the infrastructure bottleneck in most tsitchyznyanyh enterprises. [6, p .. 294] Progress in the development of techniques and technologies of the main causes of the need for adequate changes in manufacturing infrastructure businesses. Increased mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes increases the volume and complexity of the repair, maintenance 'and debugging facilities, provides a significant expansion of the range instrument, equipment and adaptations. The transition to new technologies and accelerating technological modes of the equipment increases the quality requirements and increases the need for different types of energy. Complications of production processes and the deepening of internal relations between units increases the volume of work in transportation. Constantly increasing the load on the communication network. This significantly increases the role and importance of industrial infrastructure businesses. The increasing role and importance of industrial infrastructure because: 1) increasing mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes increases the volume and complexity of the repair and adjustment equipment needs to be expanded range of tools, equipment and fixtures, 2) the transition to new technologies and the intensification of technological modes of the equipment requirements to improve quality and increase the need for different types of energy, 3) The complexity of manufacturing processes and the strengthening of internal relations between units increases the scope of work of transportation; 4) the burden on communications networks and environmental facilities are increasing. Operation of industrial infrastructure is significantly different from the activities of the major divisions. Its features are that the result of the infrastructure service is a productive type, its products do not exist independently, outside the production process. The feature elements of industrial infrastructure is their territorial independence. As the process of consumption of services directly related to the production process, the concentration of infrastructure in one place can not compensate for their lack in another [12, p .. 113]. To achieve high economic performance of enterprises not rationally organize jobs, establish their maintenance and operation. It is important to create a comfortable social environmen...

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