object, and by the point - the method with the necessary parameters.similar situation with the properties, but properties can be assigned and read at variables and other properties, however, should consider the type of data variables and properties, otherwise the script will show an error of incompatibility of data types.
7. Advantages of Visual Basic
В· Highspeed of creation of GUI applications for MS Windows.
В· A simple syntax that lets very quick to learn a language.
В· Ability to compile at native code as well as at P-code (by choice programmer). In debug mode the program always (regardless of the choice) is compiled at P-code, that allows to pause the program execution, to make considerable changes to the source code, and then to continue the execution: full recompile and restart of program is not required.
В· Protection from the errors connected with the use of pointers and memory access. This aspect makes the Visual Basic applications more stable, but also an object of criticism.
В· Ability to use most of the WinAPI functions for extending the functionality of the application. This issue is most completely investigated by Dan Appleman, who wrote "Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API".
. Disadvantages of Visual Basic
В· Supported operating systems only in Windows and Mac OS X families (Exception - VB1 for DOS).
В· No mechanism for implementation inheritance of objects. The existing in the language inheritance can only inherit interfaces, but not their implementation.
В· Requires establishing msvbvmXX.dll for the program s work.
В· Slow speed of the work, caused by the fact, that practically all of the embedded language functions are realized through runtime library, which, in turn, produces a lot of "unnecessary" work on verification and/or on type conversion.
9. Example
is an example of a small program in VBScript, which displays a dialog box with the message (symbols after the apostrophe are comments):
'Declare a variable: strMessage
'Assigning a value to a variable: = "IS-09"
'Output window with the message: strMessage
the effect of work it is similar to the direct instruction: "IS-09"
. Conclusion
criticism such of Visual Basic aspects, as ability to disable monitoring tools of declare variables, the possibility of an implicit transformation of variables, availability of data type "Variant". Critics say that this makes possible to write very bad code. From other side, this can be considered as a plus, because VB does not impose a "good style", that gives more freedom to the programmer.absence of pointers, low-level access to memory, ASM-inserts - despite the fact , that the paradigm of Visual Basic allows the average VB-programmer to do without all this, these things are also often subject to criticism. And while using undocumented possibilities and some tweaks, all can be realized and on VB (eg using the functions for receiving pointers VarPtr (), StrPtr () and ObjPtr ()); use these tricks is much more difficult than, for example, in C + +., it should be noted that all the disadvantages of language proceed from his main advantages - simplicity of GUI development. Therefore, many programmers use Visual Basic for developing the user interface and functionality of the program is realized as dynamic-link library (DLL), written in another Language (usually C + +). br/>
Мова програмування - формальна знакова система, призначена для запису комп'ютерних програм. Мова програмування визначає набір лексичних, синтаксичних і семантичних правил, які задають зовнішній вигляд програми і дії, які виконає виконавець (комп'ютер) під її управлінням. Одним із прикладів мов програмування є Visual Basic корпорації Microsoft.Visual Basic - засіб розробки програмного забезпечення, що розробляється корпорацією Microsoft і включає мову програмування і середовище розробки. Мова Visual Basic успадкував дух, стиль і частково синтаксис свого предка - мови Бейсік, у якого є чимало діалектів. У той же час Visual Basic поєднує в собі процедури та елементи об'єктно-орієнтованих і ком...