xt file named * . VBS, which is easy to edit in notepad, and launch on the execution - by double click or by calling the name in the console.are not compiled but interpreted. That is to process the script in the system must be present interpreter of language VBS, and there are two such interpreters in the Windows: window WScript and console CScript, both this interpreters is Windows Script Host. br/>
. Language rules
Visual Basic, are working the following rules:
В· string length is not limited;
В· no case-sensitive;
В· the number of spaces between the parameters is not considered;
В· command string can be break, and in brake point is necessary to insert the symbol "_";
В· The maximum length of the variable name is 255 symbols;
В· Comments are indicated by symbol "'".
. Variables
default, variables are declared in a script automatically on the first use in the script body, if it is not prohibited by the Option Explicit directive. If in the beginning of the script declare the directive Option Explicit, then all variables must be defined before by the following structures: ValueName1variable available for all subprograms; ValueName2variable available for all subprograms; ValueName3variable available only for the current program and its subprograms; are declared at the beginning of the script by using the construction: ConstName1 = Value1constant, accessible for all subprograms; ConstName2 = Value2 constant, accessible for all subprograms; ConstName3 = Value3constant, accessible only for the current program and its subprograms.type is assigned automatically after introduction of her first value. In Visual Basic there are the following data types:
В· Empty - an uninitialized variable;
В· Null - a null variable;
В· Boolean - a logical type, the possible values: False, True or 0, 1;
В· Byte - a 8-bitunsigned whole number, the possible values: 0 .. 255;
В· Integer - a 16-bitwhole number, the possible values: -32768 .. 32767;
В· Long - a 32-bitwhole number, the possible values: -2147483648 .. 2147483647;
В· Currency - a money type, the possible values: -922337203685477,5808 .. 922337203685477,5807;
В· Single - a floating point number, the possible values:-3.402823e38 .. -1.401298e-45 for negative numbers and 1.401298e-45 .. 3.402823e38 for positive numbers;
В· Double - a floating point number, the possible values: 1.79769313486232e308 .. -4.94065645841247e-324 for negative numbers and4.94065645841247e-324 .. 1.79769313486232e308 for positive numbers;
В· Date - a date, the possible values: 01.01.1900 та 31.01.9999;
В· String - a string variable, capacity up to 2 billion symbols;
В· Object - a pointer at the object;
В· Error - an error code.
In the VBS-scripts can be used arrays of variables, which allow you to store lists and tables and even more sophisticated designs. One-dimensional arrays (lists) can be dynamic, that is they can change their dimension during the work of scenario. All arrays are declared by command Dim: ArrayName (Dimension)
. Objects, their methods and properties
visual basic програмування скриптова
VBS-scripts, like their parent - the Visual Basic language, are an object-oriented programming language, that is the basic concept is the notion of objects and classes. - is a type that describes the object device. Object means something, which has a certain behavior and way of presenting, the object - is an instance of the class. The class can be compared with the drawing, according to which objects are created. Typically, classes are developing such a way, that their objects match with domain objects.objects, works with Windows Script Host, have methods and properties. In order to refer to a method it is necessary to indicate the ...