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Реферат Specificity exchange market

goods and values, and the second follows the investigation. Securities or products not only need to be present at the time of purchase, they need not even be available to the owner. These operations are the basis of stock market speculation. It is based on the fact that every purchase can be compensated for each sale and purchase - purchase. Or, for example, sugar-exchange transactions may be entered into for the supply of sugar beet as from which to obtain this sugar has been sown.second feature of the exchange - organization. The Exchange - an organized market, ie there are organs for certain functions related to the management, the maintenance of order, the normalization of transactions, etc. The market does not know of such a device. The only organ that is peculiar to the market, is engaged in the maintenance of order. Buyers and sellers in the market are the most unorganized mass. But wherever the market rises to the level of the exchange, there are bodies. However, these bodies are not all the same. Each market has its own organizational structure, but it has at least Exchange Committee - the main and upper body of the exchange.Exchange - an organization that has as its goal not only trade replaceable values, and also in the setting of prices. The pricing of the exchange takes place regularly and under common control, ie concealed by the authority of the meeting or its board. Where there is no such official quotation of prices, there is no exchange. Due to exchange each security, each commodity, etc., Are listed on it, is the exact mark its exchange value, and this is a mark for the level of the commercial world, which are oriented as those who enter into transactions outside the stock exchange.Exchange is an organized market for trading replaceable values, in which the process of price formation takes place under public control. Exchange Tasks - do not supply the economy with raw materials, capital, currency, but the organization, regulation, standardization of markets for raw materials, capital and currencymmary, you can specify the basic functions of the exchange: of the market through the exchange mechanism: first, the exchange provides a demand that is not directly associated with its use. Specifically exchange supply and demand figures carry Exchange - Stock market speculators. Exchange trade provides the possibility that at current prices will not be no shortage, no overstocking, not drawn on the stock exchange the goods, and the title of the property to him or commodity contract. Modern Mercantile Exchange - a market of contracts for the supply of goods at a relatively small size of its actual deliveries. Exchange, without linking the movement of large masses of goods, aligns supply and demand; it can be seen even one of the components of the organization of the market - the stabilization of prices: fluctuations caused by the divergence of real demand and real supply, slightly elastic, are not settled immediately, but rather is cumulative - the ability to transform into sharp fluctuations in prices. Gambling on the stock exchange is the mechanism is not price bubble, and their stabilization, an important factor in stabilizing prices is the transparency of the transaction, the public setting of prices at the beginning and end of the trading day (exchange rate), the restriction of daily price fluctuation limits established by the exchange rules. Related to this is the information exchange activities...

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