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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Specificity exchange market

Реферат Specificity exchange market

.development of product standards, the establishment of varieties that are acceptable to consumers and therefore have a relative liquidity, registration marks of firms admitted to exchange trading. The latter is especially important because is a kind of qualification to the quality of products manufactured by the company. An important aspect of the exchange is to standardize the model contracts, establishing a sort of tradition of trade.to fulfill its commodity exchanges function, ie that function, because of which they originally appeared, and - the purchase and sale of real goods.prices for a limited list of raw materials and commodities, exchange and stabilize the cost of production of other, not just commodities.stabilization of currency and credit relief. Exchange increases the capacity of monetary circulation, as it is a sphere of maximum liquidity goods. Exchange - one of the most important spheres of loan capital, as it provides a reliable supply of loans and reduces the risk to a minimum.settlement of various disputes and differences between the parties - the arbitration activitypport of the market (mandatory submission by the exchange of information on the auction results is one of the most important functions of the exchange). pricing of unlisted products (quote) (eg, futures contracts for purchase sale of foreign currency are executed at the rate fixed by the stock exchange on the date of execution of the contract, etc.).

.2 Types of Exchanges and Exchange operations

of the characteristics of the exchanges, their structure and composition of the government helps their classification, ie association in certain groups, according to a selected basis of classification. (Under the sign of the classification is to be understood characteristic, features inherent in exchanges that allow you to combine them in a certain group.) Signs classification exchanges are:

. kind of exchange of goods.

. organizing principle (the state's role in the organization of the exchange).

. the legal status (the status of the exchange).

. Participants exchange trading.

. the composition of the goods that are subject to exchange trading.

. place and role in international trade.

. sphere of activity.

. the predominant form of transactions.world practice, depending on the type of exchange commodity decided to allocate commodity (Commodity), stock, currency exchange. In Russia, a commodity exchange is considered as an organization with a legal personality, «which forms the wholesale market through the organization and regulation of stock trading carried out in the form of open public auction, held at a predetermined place at a particular time fixed by the rules. »exchanges replace cumbersome, costly and inefficient hierarchical, vertical system of sectoral reallocation of financial resources. Therefore the Stock Exchange is a permanent regulated market of securities. It creates opportunities for the mobilization of financial resources and their use in long-term investments, manufacturing, government programs and debt.exchanges are created for the organization and maintenance of the foreign exchange market, which, by their nature and role at the present stage the most tightly contro...

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