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Реферат Word demographic problems

most significant absolute increase of population; more than 1.3 billion of the population.


to the prognosis, life expectancy will steadily increase, differing from country to country. By +2100 life expectancy will vary between 66 and 97, and by the year +2300 between 87 up to unbelievable 106.population increase will naturally influence the ratio between the population and its life space. The density of population will keep on rising, but will differ significantly between various regions - in +2100 there will be, on average, only 3.6 of inhabitants per km2 in Australia and 540 inhabitants per km2 in Micronesia. Bangladesh will probably be the most densely populated country with 2000 people per km2.of the most crucial trends of the future is the aging of population. While in +2000 the world age average was 26 years, in the year 2100 it will be 44 years, and in the year 2300 it will be about more that 48 years. Also between 2100 and +2300 we may expect a rise of population over the age of 65 by one third (from 24% to 32%), the number of people aged over 80 and more will double (from 8.5% to 17%) and the number of people aged 100 will multiply 9 times (from 0.2% to 1.8%). Unbelievably, in the year +2000 the average world retirement age was 65 years, which meant that retired persons would enjoy their retirement for only a short time. If the average age for retirement time did not change by the year 2300, we would be in retirement for 31 years on average.interesting demographic phenomenon is the so-called demographic window. This period is characterized by the fact the number of children and youngsters under the age of 15 does not exceed 30% and the number of people over 65 years and more does not reach 15% of the whole population. During a period of 30-40 years, people in the productive age become a dominant part of population. This situation will be typical, e.g. in Africa approximately around the year 2045 or later. Europe had its demographic window before the year 1950, and at present it is experiencing the so called third age dominated by old people.UN prognosis for the year +2050 expects differences in population dynamics between less and more developed countries to continue. At the present time the population of more developed world regions is rising at a rate of 1.46% per a year, while the least developed countries are experiencing the fastest growth, up to 2.4% per a year. These growth tendencies of increase will continue to 2050. Due to low birth rates, the population of developed countries is expected to stagnate or even decrease. For instance, in the case of Japan, the decrease will be 14%, in Italy 22%, and in Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine between 30 and 50% .developed countries might expect a population increase from 4.9 billion in the year +2000 up to 7.7 billion in 2050. The biggest increase will occur in the least developed countries, where population in the countries like Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Somalia and Yemen could increase even four times [3] .projected growth in the global population from 6.9 billion in 2010 to 7.6 billion in 2020, the working-age population is expected to decline in many countries. Japan already has more people exiting the workforce than there are workers prepared to enter it.the European labor market, +2010 marked the first time more workers retired than joined the workforce. While this labor gap is a relatively manageable 200,000, it will surge to 8.3 million by 2030.the end of this decade, other large economies such as Russia, Canada, South Korea and China will also have more people at retirement age than are entering the workforce. Other, younger countries stand to profit from those trends.third of India s population is now under the age of 15.emerging market economies with young labor forces such as Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia may benefit from a demographic dividend, a surge in productivity and growth as those workers join the labor pool.


to the prognoses international migration is not supposed to significantly change. More developed countries might expect 2 million immigrants annually in the next 50 years. Traditional destinations are supposed to be the United States of America, Germany, Canada, Great Britain and Australia. Most frequently immigrants will come from China, Mexico, India, the Philippines and Indonesia.2000 the most populated world countries were China, India and USA. By the end of the year +2050 the leading position should be definitely taken by India. Other countries such as Indonesia, Brazil and Russia will be surpassed by extremely populated countries such as Pakistan and Nigeria.to the UN prognoses demographic changes to great extent influence and will influence the lives of individuals, but also countries and regions. Demographic determinants such as natality,...

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