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Реферат Style of popular scientific prose

ely excluded, especially in the humanities, in which a certain element of emotiveness makes itself evident. It may be felt in the choice and use of words (intensifiers are frequent makers), but stylistic devices employed are trite, not original: .g. The contrivance, admirable in a theoretical point of view, was found impracticable. by side with emotionlessness we can say that scientific prose style is impersonal. desire to achieve impersonality when proving scientific ideas is reflected in frequent use of passive constructions:

It has been investigated by Horner and Naumann (1954) and Huisgen and Nakaten (1954), and was found to involve a primary dissociation into phenyl and triphenylmethyl radicals and nitrogen, in the manner indicated in equation. [Crystal, 1969: 252] goal of this is to achieve neutralism and objectivity of studying phenomenon making the author a detached observer. It may lead to overdoing accessive detachment.by the way are themselves aware of the dangers of too much complexity, abstraction, and impersonality in their work, as the following quotation from the Handbook for Chemical Society Authors shows:

Sentences such as Reducation of the ketone was effected catalytically (which should read Hydrogenation of the ketone gave) suffer from the abstract word and the passive voice ... Before the final typing every paper should be scrutinized to see whether it can not be improved by eliminating abstract words and passive voices. [D.Crystal, 1969: 251] these peculiarities of the scientific prose style are common and encapsulated in strong frames, but the concept of its sub-style, popular scientific prose style, is much varied in terms of using stylistic devices. It brings us to the popularization of science. It is directly related to the nature and structure of the text as well as the usage of language means. This allows us to speak about specific characteristics of popular scientific prose style representation. researchers name them in different ways, but all of them certainly include two opposite parameters: objectivity (authenticity, clarity, which we discussed earlier and which are the attributes of scientific prose style) and subjectivity (such as vividness, emotionality, subjective evaluation etc. ) [Kirichenko, 1991: 23] .happens when popular scientific literature having a scientific fact as the object of description, makes an extensive use of fiction arsenal. That is why popular scientific literature lies on the border of two spheres of the language usage: science and verbal art.system of language impacts such stylistic features as simplicity and artistry of representation. These means are not independent and play subsidiary role in the popular scientific literature contributing to the achievement of the main aim - introducing to the reader serious scientific information in a popular and interesting way [Nazarenko, +2004: 8] .the next section we will discuss style shaping properties which include expressive means and stylistic devices.

. 2 Style shaping properties

science points out that the most important thing in stylistics is the interrelation of the means of expression and the subject-matter, ie of the expressive means of a language and the idea expressed. speaking of the expressive means of language, we think of the arrangement of sentences, clauses, words, and the choice of words which not only convey the idea to the reader or listener, but simultaneously provoke the desired emotional reaction from him. expressive means of a language may be classified as:

. Lexical (the various stylistic aspects of words and phraseological units, such as poetic words, archaic words, neologisms, etc.)

. Grammatical (mainly syntactical; inversion elliptical sentences, repetition in exited speech, etc.)

. Phonetic (euphony, intonation, rhythm, etc.) expressive means may be used in this way for specific artistic purposes, and when so employed, it is described as a stylistic device. The latter may be regarded as an artistic transformation of an ordinary language phenomenon. and stylistic means were mentioned above, thus we should define meanings of some of them used in scientific and popular scientific literature.

. Metaphors. is transference of meaning based on the similarity of two notions. Metaphors are hardly ever used in scientific texts. However, to express one s ideas in a more graphic and convincing way, metaphors are sometimes resorted to. It is in popular-scientific texts that metaphors are more frequently used to make scientific problems more accessible to the reader: .g. The buffeting-about of the incoming word often results, in the end, in a single surviving and fixed shape. [Lehtsalu, 1973: 22] this c...

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