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Реферат Adverbial Modifier

o hide his tears. (L. Moriarty). ВІН повернувши голову, щоб занурітіся Обличчям у подушку, немов щоб сховаті свои сльози .

Her eyes are bright as diamonds and bluer than the skies above . (R. Kipling). Ее очі Яскраві, як діаманти , и блакітніші, чем небеса над нами .

The Adverbial Modifier of Degree in both contrasted languages ??may complement any of its parts expressed by verbs, adjectives, adverbs, statives and sometimes nouns. The complement characterizes actions, states and quality from the viewpoint of their intensity, hence the identifying questions are «how much?», «To what extent?» The complement is mostly expressed in English and Ukrainian by adverbs/adverbial phrases of degree.gets on again pretty easily (L. Carrol). ВІН й достатньо легко знов сідає у сідло.

His life was extremely hard . (Carnegie). Его життя Було очень Важка .

She is quite a beauty . (Sheridan) Вона просто-таки красуня .

Adverbial Complement of Measure in the contrasted languages ??is expressed by numerals with nouns denoting a unit of measure (length, weight, time, temperature, etc.) as well as by some word combination and adverbs expressing quantity. The adverbial complements follow statal verbs denoting various processes of measurement ( to measure, to weigh, to cost, to last, to walk, to run ) .cost about ninety bucks , and all he bought it for was twenty . (Salinger). Річ коштувала около дев'яностих долларов , а ВІН купивши ее Всього за двадцять .

In three steps the granny reached the door. (Donnell). За три кроки бабуня дійшла до дверей.

He stood still a long while , surveying the hillside. (London) Довгий годину ВІН стояв нерухомости, оглядаючі горбістій ??краєвид.

Score twice , before you cut once . (Proverb). Два рази відміряй, перед тім, як раз відрізаті.

3. Peculiarities of adverbial modifiers in English and Ukrainian

linguistic adverbial modifiers

Adverbial Modifier of Attendant Circumstances may be observed mainly in English. Its equivalent in Ukrainian is a modifier of manner expressed by adverbs, prepositional noun phrases or diyepryslivnyks.

... she began to speak in a limping whisper . (W. Trevor) ... вона Почаїв свое звертання пошепкі ї запікуючісь .

Jimmi ... dived under and began to swim with strong, easy strokes (J. Wain). Джиммі., Пірнаючі, відплівав, а потім легко навзамашкі плавав.linguist Zhluktenko UO considered the main distinguished feature of the English language as compared with Ukrainian is the availability of complex adverbial modifiers. It may be expressed with the help of predicative construction + preposition «with» or so called «absolute participial construction» .saw a thick forest with the red sun hanging over .

The lesson being over , I decided to speak to the professor. widely used are adverbial modifiers expressed by gerundial constructions. Their equivalents in Ukrainian are subordinate sentence.most exciting thing was his entering the class through the blackboard . (Rowling J.K.). Найбільш захоплюючім Було ті, як ВІН Вхід У класная кімнату через дошку .

In Ukrainian there are widely used adverbial modifiers expressed by different case forms of nouns without a prepositions. Most of them have as their equivalents in English prepositional constructions.

Йтімуть всю ніч (О. Гончар). They will move during the whole night .


1. Корунець І.В. Порівняльна Типологія англійської та української мов. Навчальний посібник. (Korunets 'IV Contrastive Typology of the English and Ukrainian languages).- Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2003. - 464 ст.

2. Karamysheva I.D. Contrastive g...

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