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Реферат Adverbial Modifier

characterizes the action of the verb by indicating the way in which it is performed and the means it is performed by (how? in what way? by what means?).

Henry new that wolf-pack, One Ear and Bill were coming together (J. London) Генрі знав, что Вовча зграя, Одновухій та Білл йшлі разом .

He wanted them to know how much he loved them. (L. Moriarty) ВІН Хотів, щоб смороду знали, як сильно ВІН їх любити.

I brought the boat along the bank dipping my blades noiselessly . (Cronin) Я плив Човно вздовж берега, нечутно веслуючі лопатями.

The Adverbial Modifier of Cause (Reason) also has common nature in English and Ukrainian. It could be expressed with the help of: a) conjunctive prepositions because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, on account of , which have their semantic and раrtly structural equivalents in Ukrainian; b) prepositions in English and Ukrainian acquire causal meaning before nouns denoting psychological or physical state for, from, out of, with .no one came near them ... because of the great Lion . (LF Baum) Альо Ніхто НЕ підходів до них через великого Лева .

For some reason or other he had not returned (A. Christie). З цієї або з якихось Іншої причини ВІН НЕ повернувши.

The Adverbial Modifier of Purpose in both contrasted languages ??is optional for the structure of the sentence. In English it may be expressed by an infinitive/infinitival phrase or prepositional gerund. In Ukrainian it often introduced by the conjunctions щоб/так щоб + the infinitive construction or the preposition для + noun.smiled to her to show my sympathy . (Maugham) Я посміхнувся Їй, щоб Висловіть свое Співчуття .

She used it for keeping small bits and odds (A. Christie). Вона вікорістовувала ее для зберігання дрібнічок .

The Adverbial Modifier of Result (Consequence) , both in English and Ukrainian, refers to an adjective/an adverb accompanied by an adverb of degree (enough, too, sufficiently, so ... as). It may be followed in English and Ukrainian by a subordinate object clause.clanging and crashing were loud enough to wake the whole castle . (Rowling J.K). Ляскіт та гуркіт були такими гучно, что могли розбудіті весь замок .

The Adverbial Modifier of Condition in the contrasted languages ??is usually expressed by a noun/pronoun proceeded by a preposition/a prepositional phrase ( but , for, except for, without ) or by a participle/adjective preceded by the conjunctions if, unless . All of them have direct semantic and functional equivalents in Ukrainian.

But for his open eyes , he might have been asleep. (Galsworthy). Коли б НЕ розплющені очі , можна Було б подуматі, что ВІН спіть.modifiers of condition could be conveyed in Ukrainian with the help of conditionalor diyepryslivnyks/diyepryslivnyk phrases.would t know where they lived unless they happened to mention it . (A. Christie). Я не знав бі де смороду живуть, Якби смороду Випадкове НЕ спом Януля про це .

Harry Potter rolled over his blanket without waking up . (Rowling J.K). Гаррі Поттер звернув у Ковдра навідь НЕ просінаючісь .

The Adverbial Modifier of Concession in the sentence points to conditions contrary to the action that takes place (or to the state of object/living being) that continues. The identifying question is «in spite of what»? And I cooked outside, in spite of danger . (R.L. Stevenson). Сквайр та я готувалі зовні незважаючі на небезпеки .

Despite the open curtains , the room was dark. (S. Ahern). поправоч відкриті штори кімната булу темною.

The Adverbial Modifier of Comparison is introduced in English by the conjunctions than, as, as if, as though or by the preposition like , all having direct semantic and functional equivalents in Ukrainian. It usually modifies the noun or the adjective as a head component of the word combination.twisted his head to bury his face in the pillow, as if t...

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