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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Гра як спосіб навчання усного іншомовного мовлення в початковій школі

Реферат Гра як спосіб навчання усного іншомовного мовлення в початковій школі

r spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in discussion on familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining views.

Анкети для самооцінки Self-assessment questionnaires

Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________of years English has been___________________________________________________________________________________are sure to be able to do a lot of things in English. Put a tick (V)

to show whether you can do something very well, rather well, well or not

very well.


Breakthrough1 2I can interact in a simple way if the other person is prepared to repeat more slowly or rephrase what has been said. * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics * very well * rather well * well * not very well3I can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where I live and people I know * very well * not very well Waystage4 5 6I can communicate in singleroutine tasks which require simple. Direct exchange of information on familiar topics. * Very well * rather well * well * not very well I can handle very short social exchanges * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can describe my family and other people, living conditions. Educational background in simple terms * very well * rather well * well * not very wellThreshold Vantage7 8 ??9 10 11 12 13 14I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can describe in a simple way experiences events. My dreams. Hopes and ambitions * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinion * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can narrate a story or the plot of the book or a film and describe my reactions * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can interact with native speakers * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can take part in discussions in familiar contexts accounting for my views * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can present clear. Detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects * very well * rather well * well * not very well I can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving its advantages and disadvantages, there might be some things you can not do in English. What are they?

Put a tick (V) where appropriate.

can not (yet):

S-enter unprepared into conversations on abstract issuesP-make part in discussions accounting for my point of viewEExpress myself spontaneously without searching for expressionsAFormulate ideas preciselyK-use idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms effectively in a conversationI-rephrase what I intended to say without people noticing itN-narrate a story or a plot of a book or filmG-express my attitude to a film or a book

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