ome prepositional phrases and word-combinations the definite and indefinite articles, however, may change their lexico-grammatical nature (become a particle), as in the expression the more, the better (чім больше, тім краще), or acquire some peculiar grammatical, functional and lexical meaning; the article may be lexicalized as in the Alps / the Carpathians Альпі / Карпати, at the baker «s / butcher» s. Such and the like lexicalized articles, naturally, in no way weaken or lose their determining, ie, grammatical function. As a result, their lexical meaning is inseparable in these cases from their functional meaning. The determining and lexicalizing nature of the definite and indefinite articles also manifests itself in several set expressions (cf. in the cart, in a word, what a pity, all of a sudden, etc.)
1). On several other occasions the definite / indefinite article may acquire some lexical meaning in contextual environment (only for a time) and thus serve as a peculiar means of «expressive connotation» 1. This kind of articles is each time endowed in different contextual environments with some quite different meaning, which may be, nevertheless, of implicitly different semantic and lexico-grammatical / logically-grammatical type, as for instance, that of a demonstrative, possessive, identifying , indefinite or some other pronoun: Cf.: He lived more poorly than an artisan. (S. Maugham). Carot never sold a picture.
) That of an adjunctive / identifying adjective and a specifying or modal particle: ... and she had acquired a reputation for neatness and accuracy (Maugham). She would have called him a fish. (Carrol).
) A distinctly nominal or rather nominalizing meaning. The latter can be explicitly illustrated in the following sentence. He (Mr. Gills) took it (the bottle) up and having surveyed and smelt it said with extraordinary expression: «The?» «The», returned the instrument maker. (Ch. Dickens) real meaning of thus emphasized article can be disclosed only in the sentence that follows, where Mr. Gills fills the glass with liquour and drinks it. Without the broader context it would certainly be impossible to guess what this definite nominalizing article stands for in the extract. Nor is it always easy for our students to identify in some sentences the rhematic and the thematic function of article; and to express their meaning. Therefore, the occurrence of lexically meaningful articles is not occasional or accidental, for it is predetermined by context. Due to this, the number of lexically meaningful articles in different speech substyles often varies. Their occurrence can also depend on the personal taste of the author who may be more or less inclined to use them in his narrative. But whatever their quantity, none of the lexically meaningful articles should be ignored про overlooked in the passage under translation and its meaning must be correctly rendered in the target language.order to faithfully convey each kind of the aforementioned meaningful articles, the student will be advised first of all to subject the whole passage, which is to be translated, to a thorough content analysis in order to select possible lexical substitutes for the article in the target language. The substitutes in languages ??like Russian, which have no functionals of the kind, can differ by their logico-grammatical nature, as well as be contextually synony...