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Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

ment of the fi nancial position of the borrower, and the establishment of a certain ratio between the amounts of e loans and equity of the bank, that is supposed to create a reserve for potential banks to cover possible losses tion w busted case of clients.

Chapter 3. Analysis of banking risks and methods of control (On materials of Samara AK Bank SB RF)

makes a profit, performing various operations and providing certain types of services. Lending a long time and is widely regarded as a classic, one of the basic services. Lending provides a major share of bank profits. Is no exception and Samara AK Bank SB RF., As any active operation is the operation risky. According to the Statistical Service of Samara AK Bank SB RF approximately 98% of all bank risk is in the credit risk. Thus, it can be concluded that the latter is the main bank risk. Therefore, it is advisable to focus all attention on it.the credit transaction subjects the credit relationship is always act as lenders and borrowers. Creditors are individuals who provide their temporarily free funds available to the borrower for a specified period. In this case, the creditor stands Savings Bank (SB). Borrower-party credit relations, receiving funds for use (as a loan), and obliged them to return within the prescribed period. In the example that will be discussed below, the Borrower acts specific entity.lending in Samara AK SB RF is based on five principles:

) urgency;

) serviceability;

) repayment;

) security;

) the intended use. - the risk of loss. When a customer comes to the bank, wanting to get a loan, the probability of incurring losses in case of default of the loan and interest is estimated to be equal to 0.5 (or 50%), ie chance to make a profit and stay in loss-equal., in the process of gathering information from the client, the likelihood often changes one way or another. The information helps to decide on the issuance or non-issuance of credit. Thus, the bank will or will not assume a certain level of risk. If the latter value is high, then the loan is issued. On this basis, we can conclude that the collection of information itself is inherently one of the methods of regulation of banking risks.Samara bank AK SB RF for each borrower (if a legal entity) is going to the following documents:

. A copy of the memorandum of association notarized.

. A copy of the Charter (the Regulations), and approved by the founder of registered in the prescribed manner, notarized.

. State registration document.

. Document certifying the notification of the tax authority of the intention to open the Borrower with the Bank loan account.

. Permission to engage in economic activity, with the term of operation (from entrepreneurs carrying out their activities without forming a legal entity).

. Card with signature and seal (Form 0401026) notarized.

. Annual report, balance sheet with applications for the last reporting date, certified by the tax inspectorate, indicating off-balance sheet accounts for warranties.

. Auditor's opinion on the reliability of the report.

. List of creditors and debtors with a breakdown of payables and receivables, indicating the date of its occurrence.

. Account statement for the last month with the bank about the account balance and the presence of claims to the bill.

. Business pla...

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