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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

be used to help pay for something. My parents gave me? 300 to go toward a new computer.

Go under - 1 go under: if a company or business goes under, it has to close because it does not make enough money to continue? Many restaurants go under in their first year. 2 go under, go under sth: to become unconscious because you have been given an anaesthetic (= a drug used by doctors to make you unconscious) while you are having medical treatment? It will take you about ten seconds to go under. 3 go under: to sink below the surface of the water? We watched from the lifeboat ay, the great ship finally went under.up - 1 go up: if a price or the level of something goes up, it increases? The rate of violent crime among young people is still going up. > House prices in this area are going up and up. 2 go up: to go to a town or city from a smaller place, or to somewhere further north? I «d like to go up to London to do some Christmas shopping. 3 go up: to go towards someone or something, for example until you are near enough to talk to them? The boys went up and asked her for her autograph. + To? Dylan went up to the microphone and started singing. 4 go up: if new buildings go up, they are built? New high-rise apartment buildings are going up all around the town. 5 go up: to explode or start burning strongly? A lit cigarette fell on the sofa, and within minutes the whole room had gone up. go up in flames? The car rolled down the bank, and went up in flames. 6 go up: if a shout, cry etc, goes up the people in a place start to shout etc? A groan went up as Miss Hirsch reminded the class about their vocabulary test. 7 go up: to move to a higher group of sports teams and players who play together * - United will go up to the first division next season. Go up against - « go up against sb: to compete against someone, especially in sport, business, or in a court of law? It »s very difficult for an ordinary person to go up against a big company that can afford top lawyers.up to - go up to sb / sth: to reach as far as a particular place, time, amount etc? Our garden goes up to these bushes the rest belongs to the neighbors. ? The financial year only goes up to April.with - 1 go with sth: if one thing goes with another, they look, taste, or sound good together » Do you think these shoes go with this dress? Go well with? This wine should go well with meat dishes and cheese.

go with sth: to be a usual part of something? She talked about the pressure that often goes with being famous, sth goes with the territory (= used to say that something is a usual part of a job or situation)? Young doctors have to work extremely long hours, but that just goes with the territory. Go with sth: to be provided with something else? The house goes with the job. > a blue silk evening dress that has a matching bag to go with it go with sth: to accept someone «s idea or suggestion and decide to use it? «What do you think of Jo» s idea? « »I think we should go with it.»

Go without - go without, go without sth: to not have something that you usually have" We can« t really afford a holiday us year, so we »ll just have to go without.


Phrasal verbs are primarily of use in verbal English and informal written content. There are no set rules as to how phrasal verbs are formed appropria...

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