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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

on health and fitness these days. Go round - 1go through sth: to experience something, especially a difficult or unusual situation? we ve been through a tough time lately, but hopefully things will start to improve. ? The company is going through a period of great change, sb went through a lot (= a lot of bad things happened to them)? She went through a lot when she was young - her mother died when she was only 6 years old. 2 go through sth: to carefully examine all of a group of things in order to try to find something? Dave went through his pockets again, but he still couldn «t find the address. go through sth: to carefully read or discuss something, to check that it is correct and acceptable? Could you just go through this pie and mark anything that seems wrong? 3 go through sth: to talk about all of the details of something to someone, in order to make sure that they understand it? Do you want to go through the main points again? 4 go through sth: to practice something such as a song or dance? Let »s go through the song again from the beginning. 6go through sth: to be tested, checked, or officially examined? Every car goes through a series of safety checks before it leaves the factory. You have to go through a lengthy process before being allowed to adopt a child 7go through: to be officially accepted or approved" your application for a loan has gone through.? Donna plans o remarry as soon as her divorce goes through. 8 go through sth: to use all or a lot of something in a short time? We went through all of our money in the first week of our holiday. 9 go through sb / sth: to ask a particular person, department ect to deal with something because they are officially responsible for it? All requests for new books must go through the head teacher. 10 go through: to take part in the next part of a competition, because you have won the part before it. + to? United went through to the FA Cup final for the first time in 11 years. 11 go through sb s mind also go through sb s head: if something goes through your mind or head, you think about it? the same question kept going through my mind again and again .

Go through with-go through with sth: to do something you had promised or planned to do, even though it is difficult? Giving evidence in court was terrifying, but I m ??glad that I went through with it. Can t go through with it? Jenny was going to make an official complaint, but decided that she couldn t go through with it.to - 1 go to sb: if money or a prize goes to someone, they are given it? All the money raised will go to local charities. 2 go to a lot of trouble / expense etc: to try very hard or spend a lot of money in order to do something? Parents often go to a lot of expense in order to make sure their children get a good education. 3 go to it: used to tell or encourage someone to do something? «The kitchen really needs to be cleaned.» «Yeah, go to it.» Together - 1 go together: if two things go together, they look, taste, or sound good together? Do these trousers and this jacket go together? * Tina's voice and Rhys songwriting style go together perfectly, go well together? Tomatoes and pasta go very well together. 2 go together: if two things go together, they often exist together or are connected? The problems of poor housing and bad health often go together. ? Traditionally, Christmas and snow have always gone together. Go toward -> go towards / toward sth: to...

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