noun in communicative collocation. Two articles in the English language - definite article the and indefinite one a - have different meanings and different functions. The use of the articles has generally grammatical meaning and falls under definite rules.
2. The definite article has developed from the Old English demonstrative pronoun. Hence the indefinite article originates from the Old English numeral one.
3. The article is a notional part of speech as it posesses three characteristics (the lexico-grammatical meanings of (in) definiteness; the right-hand combinability with nouns; the function of noun specifiers)
. The syntactical role of the article consists in marking off a noun or a noun phrase as a part of the sentence.
. The morphological value of the article lies in indicating the substantivization of other parts of speech, mainly adjectives or participles, also pronouns, adverbs, numerals.
. The main functions of the indefinite article are: classifying, generic and numerical.
. The two main functions of the definite article are specifying and generic.
. Since the meaning of the article comes to the fore in certain contexts it should not be ignored in the translation. The analysis of the works of S.Maugham, J.London translated into Russian showed that translators reproduce the meaning of the definite article through different Russian attributive pronouns, adjectives, participles, adverbs or cardinal / ordinal numerals. The meanings of the indefinite article are usually expressed through the cardinal numeral one, by the indefinite pronoun, as the demonstrative pronoun, as one of the possessive pronouns, as the negative pronoun, or the negative particle, as different relative adjectives, the most often used being; as different adverbs, as an adjective enforced by an emphatic or some other particle or group of particles, as am interrogative or indefinite pronoun also enforced by some emphatic particles.
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