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Реферат Linguistic ideas of von Humboldt and J.Herder

ture and acquiring it through language б more organically, more naturally and more structurally realizes itself in the ethnocultural environment. learning language he also paid attention to structure of many languages ??from all over the world as Asian and European languages, the Semitic and Arabic language, etc.to W. von Humboldt, languages ??pass essentially uniform way of development, but a condition of stability can to be reached at different stages. Here it developed existing and to it ideas about stages of development of the languages ??reflecting different levels of development of those or other people. Here the position of the scientist appears a little the inconsistent. On the one hand, he warns against establishment basic abyss between levels of development of languages ?? cultural and primitive people: Even so-called rough and barbarous dialects possess all necessary for the perfect use raquo ;; Experience of transfer from various languages, and also use most primitive and undeveloped language at dedication in the most secret religious revelations show that, even if from the various accuracy, each thought can be expressed in any language raquo ;. With another the parties, he definitely writes: The highest perfection on the to system, undoubtedly, I reached Greek (means Ancient Greek). In article About emergence of grammatical forms and their influence on development of ideas raquo ;, the last quote, V. a background from where is taken Humboldt seeks to reveal a scale on which it is possible to arrange languages, the reached conditions of stability at this or that level (it allows and possibility of that some languages ??still develop and states stability didn t reach and will reach only in the future) .this point B. von Humboldt developed ideas, stated shortly before that by two other German thinkers, belonging besides to generation - brothers Augustus and Friedrich Schlegel. They entered concepts amorphous (after the renamed in isolating), agglutinative and inflectional languages; these concepts, later become purely linguistic, communicated brothers of Friedrich Schlegel and then W. von Humboldt with stages of development of languages ??and the people .. von Humboldt allocates four steps (stages) of development of languages: At the lowest step grammatical designation it is carried out by means of turns of speech, phrases and offers ... On the second steps grammatical designation is carried out with the help steady word order and by means of words with the unstable material and formal value ... At the third step grammatical designation it is carried out by means of analogs of forms ... At the highest step grammatical designation is carried out by means of original forms, inflections and purely grammatical forms raquo ;. It is easy to see that three the last steps correspond isolating, agglutinative and to inflectional system ( analogs of forms separate from original forms that, that in the first communication ... components is still insufficiently strong, places are noticeable connections. The formed mix didn t become a single whole yet laquo ;, that is it is obviously about agglutination). Stadial distinction directly communicates with extent of spiritual development: The first, and the most essential, from this that the spirit demands from language - it not mixture, but accurate differentiation things and forms, subject and relation ... However such differentiation occurs only at formation of original grammatical forms in the way inflection or grammatical words ... at consecutive designation grammatical forms. In each language having only analogs forms, in grammatical designation which has to be pure formal, is a material component .the theory von Humboldt and J. Herder managed to restore the necessary balance between language and thinking.


linguistics humboldt language

The linguistics along with sciences about thinking belongs to number of those branches of human knowledge which finds out the most close connections with philosophy throughout its development that is explained by the nature of the subject of linguistics. Language represents an indispensable condition of implementation of the abstract, generalized thinking and a rational step of human knowledge. These or those philosophical directions have impact on linguistic currents. Consciously or unconsciously, but any linguist proceeds in the researches of language from a certain philosophical; concepts about regularities of life and knowledge. von Humboldt and J. Herder are the founders of the theory of language. The main linguistic idea consists in that that language is closely connected with development of thinking individual and social, including in itself long history from an origin to nowadays existing languages. They proved their great work in published books and explain...

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