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Реферат Linguistic ideas of von Humboldt and J.Herder

tional love to truth, his look directed always to the prime ideal targets, it s aspiration not to miss because of details whole and because of whole the separate facts, his comprehensively educated mind and noble humanity - all these properties strongly affect to other scientific personality coming to contact with Wilhelm von Humboldt, and such influence of Humboldt, in my opinion, will keep still for a long time and will make even on those who to stop helplessly before his theories investigated the language, not only in terms of philosophy and history, but also gave a precise definition in terms of linguistics by dividing the typological classifications - morphological and syntactic. Humboldt gave exact definition that Language has the triple purpose corresponding to intensity of its action:

Language is an intermediary in the course of understanding and demands therefore definiteness and clarity.gives to feeling expression, and itself causes feeling and therefore demands force, distinctness and flexibility.induces through the shape reported to thought to new thoughts and their combinations and therefore demands action of spirit which leaves the print in words.influence of von Humboldt went in many directions in XIX century. He gave not only the new branch, but also quite independent branch of knowledge - ethno linguistics, structuralism, linguistics and modern logic generative linguistics, cognitive science and linguistics discourse. Humboldt was the first who laid the foundations of general linguistics, direction, which is rightly called the philosophy of language, and which encompasses higher linguistic generalizations and far-reaching conclusions and who expressed clearly that the language is the product of creation of people, but not a separate individual. The return action of language of subjects is more certain that through it all created by the people in the past influences the individual; identity of the person is similar to identity of language thanks to that a impact source on them same, whether but the first can hardly resist to the last.mentioned that languages ??and distinctions between them have to be considered in such way as force penetrating all history of mankind; if to leave them without attention or to distinguish their influence not in a pure or limited look, then there is incomplete an understanding of how the mankind reaches mastering of that spiritual weight - if it is possible to be expressed so, - which it took out from a thought kingdom in area clear and certain. In this case there will be no major as language enters action in the most direct way in that point where generation of objective thought and an eminence of subjective force come the friend from the friend at mutual increase. Research of influence which makes progress of the people in science and art, an also of interrelations of literatures won t be able to fill the specified shortcoming. All listed fields of activity support, on the one hand, that, on what influence of language doesn t extend, a with another - do not contain everything that enters language.

According to his book Language and Culture Humboldt wrote that the person thinks, feels and lives only in language, but also the person feels and knows that language for it - only means that out of language there is an invisible world, to which the person seeks to accustom only with its help. The return action of language of subjects is more certain that through it all created by the people in the past influences the individual; identity of the person is similar to identity of language thanks to that a bozdeystviye source on them same, whether but the first can hardly resist to the last. Also, that language expresses feelings as objects, but it besides follows the movements of thought of thought and feelings and language despite all foreign influences, keeps the identity which is inherent also in its character.Here, this idea is similiar as Herder s.

Originality of ideas Humboldt to be seen in the philosophical understanding of the facts of linguistic diversity. Interpretation of Humboldt diversity of languages ??as a reflection of a single universal culture led him to reflect on the fact that in every language there are some universals promoting rapprochement of cultures. The mutually enriching dialogue of the cultural worlds which opened Humboldt makes a basis of their development, is confirmed by manifestation of tolerance to foreign cultures and aspiration of overcoming of an interlingual barrier at communication between representatives of different cultures, allows to realize originality of identity and at the same time to feel as part of a community of all mankind. Immersion of the personality to the world of language and culture promotes national and cultural identity and increases cross-cultural tolerance, the Person, plunging into the world of cul...

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