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Реферат Research data collection methods and stages of the research

ign Language Instructional Technology) and Team (Teachers of English Arabic Monthly). lt; ... gt; Syllabic and hybrid acronyms do not have points (Asda, sitcom), may be lower-case, upper-case, or mixed, and sometimes have internal capitals raquo ;. Mirabela and Ariana (2012) tell more about the structure and building of acronyms:" Some acronyms are coined on the basis of an already existing word and associations between the two items are welcome. The formatives of the acronyms may carry semantic information. The acronym has a meaning of its own, apart from the meaning of the individual words of the base form. The base form of acronyms can be made of:

noun phrase : noun + adjective (CFO - Chief Financial Officer ); nouns (PINC - Property income certificate ); nouns + participle (VAT - value added tax ); nouns + prepositional phrases with nouns (YTD - year-to-date );

- clause : reduced clause/sentence (JIT - just in time ); complete sentence (TINA - there is no alternative ).

While typically abbreviations exclude the initials of short function words (such as and , or , < i align="justify"> of , or to ), they are sometimes included in acronyms to make them pronounceable" .findings suggest that in general acronyms can be made of a noun phrase or a clause. Usually abbreviations do not include initials of conjunctions but they can appear when there is a need to make word pronounceable.

4. Classification of acronyms

analysis of linguistic literature showed that there are some word classes of acronyms. Not many researchers write about classification of acronyms. Although, Mirabela and Ariana (2012) claim that: ... in some cases, an acronym or initialism has been redefined as a non-acronymous name, creating a pseudo-acronym. For example, the letters making up the name of the SAT ( Scholastic Assessment Test ) - pronounced as letters - no longer officially stand for anything. This trend has been common with many companies hoping to retain their brand recognition while simultaneously moving away from what they saw as an outdated AT amp; T (its parent/child, SBC, followed suit prior to its acquisition of AT amp; T and after its acquisition of a number of the other Baby Bells, changing from Southwestern Bell Corporation ), Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC , British Petroleum became BP to emphasize that it was no longer only an oil company (captured by its motto beyond petroleum ), Silicon Graphics, Incorporated became SGI to emphasize that it was no longer only a computer graphics company. has also become apparent that acronyms are also classified by their lexical meanings. There are six groups of acronyms: Information and Technology, Military and Government, Science and Medicine, Organizations, Schools, Business and Finance, Slang, Chat and Pop culture (# justify gt; protogram which came from Greek protos (first) and gramma (letter) ie an abbreviation formed from the first letters of a series of words and pronounced as one word. Acronymy is one of the types of word-formation. It can be made of noun phrase or clause. Mainly acronyms were started to be used during the World War II when tanks, telephones, various organizations and many other inventions were created. Acronyms are used in daily life of each businessman because it is quicker to say an acronym than a noun phrase or a whole clause. Acronyms are classified into six groups by their lexical meaning: Information and Technology, Military and Government, Science and Medicine, Organizations, Schools, Business and Finance, Slang, Chat and Pop culture.

. Research data collection methods and stages of the research

it has been mentioned in the theoretical part of the paper, the empirical research is based on the following linguists work: Lieber (2011), Briton and Brinton (2010), Aronoff and Fudeman (2005), Booij (2007), Jackson and Ze Amvela (2000), Haspelmath and Sims (2010), Plag (2008), Langacker (2008), Onysko and Michel (2010), Mirabela and Ariana (2012). These scientists are those who pointed out acronymy as one of the method of derivation. Lieber (2011), Briton and Brinton (2010), Aronoff and Fudeman (2005) declare that there is a group of words similar to acronyms called initialisms. Langacker (2008), Mirabela and Ariana (2012) say that acronyms can be spelled as individual lexeme or as a seri...

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