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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Вопросы и ответы » Квитки з історії англійської мови (The history of the English language)

Реферат Квитки з історії англійської мови (The history of the English language)

in (Ben) Jonson (1573 - 1637), Philip Massinger (1583 - 1640), Frances Beaumont (1584 - 1616), John Fletcher (1579 - 1625), and many others. This epoch, which historians usually call Elizabethan after queen Elizabeth I, who reigned 1558 - 1603, belongs to the period of Early Modern English.

11. The verbs in OE.

The conjugation (відмінювання) of verbs shows the means of form-building used in the OE verb system. Most forms were distinguished with the help of inflectional endings or grammatical suffixes; one form-Partic. II - was sometimes marked by a prefix; many verbs made use of vowel interchanges in the root; some verbs used consonant interchanges and a few had suppletive forms. The OE verb is remarkable for its complicated morphological classification which determined the application (застосування) of form-building means in various groups of verbs. The majority of OE verbs fell into 2 great divisions: the strong and the weak verbs. Besides these two main groups there were a few verbs which could not be put together as "minor" groups.

The main difference between the strong and the weak verbs lay in the means of forming the principal parts, of the "stems" of the verb. There were also a few other differences in the conjugation.

All the forms of the verbs, finite (особистий) as well as non-finite, were derived (відбулися) from a set of "stems" or principal parts of the verb: the Present tense stem was used in all the Present tense forms, Indicative, Imperative and Substantive, and also in the Present Participle and the Infinitive; it is usually shown as the form of the Infinitive; all the forms of the Past tense were derived from the Past tense stems; the Past Participle had a separate stem. p> The strong verbs formed their stems by means of vowel gradation and by adding certain suffixes; in some verbs gradation was accompanied by consonant interchanges. The strong verbs had four stems, as they distinguished two stems in the Past Tense - one for the 1 st and 3 rd p. sg. Ind. Mood, the other-for the other Past tense forms, Ind. and Subj.

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