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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Эссе » The theory and practice of antimonopoly regulation

Реферат The theory and practice of antimonopoly regulation

out government policies on prices, tariffs, production volumes. Public ownership eliminates monopolistic abuse in order to enrich the owners. Arguments against nationalization fears are associated with lowering the efficiency of natural monopoly. With no need to focus on commercial success, the director of the firm becomes a public official. He is willing to carry out any instructions just to satisfy the wishes of his superiors. The risk of corruption increases. There are strong arguments on both sides. Countries with a statist mentality prefer nationalization of natural monopolies. Countries with a strong individualistic tradition vice versa are leaning toward private property.natural monopolies, artificial monopoly is formed in those industries where a single producer does not have high efficiency compared to several competing firms. The establishment of monopoly type of market is not inevitable for this industry, although in practice it may occur if the monopolist can eliminate future competitors. The main goal of antitrust policy is to prevent monopolistic abuses. Considering natural monopolies these goals are achieved through direct government intervention in the activities, in particular, forced by setting prices. In the case of artificial monopoly regulation is the main focus of opposition to the formation of monopolies, and sometimes the destruction of those already formed. To do this, the state uses a wide range of sanctions: preventive measures, fines for improper behavior on the market, the direct de-monopolization. The basis for the activation of antitrust policy is the existence of any of the two main signs of monopolization of the market: the concentration of a very large market shares in the hands of one company, or interweaving of a leading company with its competitors. Determination of the degree of concentration in the industry is focused on the 3 factors rate of major companies: the size of turnover, number of employees and amount of capital. Share of turnover of the company shows what part of the total supply of goods the firm concentrates.implementation of antitrust action by the state in the tactical plan is possible in two ways. First, the anti-monopoly measures should be preceded by a significant part of the transition to market relations. You must first create a system of measures to counter monopolies (the creation of antitrust laws, the dismantling of major groups, primary de-monopolization). But there are disadvantages in this option. They are related to the fact that instead of one monopolistic firm other arise, that does not lead to the development of competition. Second, the anti-monopoly action shall be taken simultaneously with the transition to market relations in the framework of these relations. Synchronicity of these processes contributes more to de-monopolization of the economy, the development of competition. In this regard, the entire set of measures for economic reform should be given anti-monopoly orientation, which requires examination of antitrust decisions. Antitrust policy is modifying over time. At a certain stage of development some areas of antitrust policy takes priority, but with the change of the situation the emphasis also changes. However, some form of monopoly modern economics and the law is still considering normal and therefore do not pursue. First of all, that firm is not subject to punishment that has managed to grab significant market share due to:

Creation of a unique product;

Effective marketing;

Designing and developing new technology will significantly reduce costs and on this basis, to sell goods at lower prices without losing revenue.can say that antitrust policy and antitrust law are not intended to prohibit or eliminate monopolistic entities. The society had the understanding that the monopoly profits as a growth factor cannot be destroyed. So the real task of antitrust policy is to put up the monopoly of state control, to exclude the possibility of abuse of monopoly power. Karl Marx in the middle of last century came to the conclusion that the emergence of monopolies requires government intervention. The main objective of this intervention is to protect and preserve free competition, which threaten the monopolistic tendencies. Specifically, we can formulate such goals: limiting monopolies, support and promote small business, consumer protection. There are two main forms of struggle against monopolies:

Preventing the creation of monopolies;

The restriction of the use of monopoly power.is carried out by market liberalization. This is achieved by flexible maneuvering customs treatment (reduction of customs duties, the abolition of quotas, the elimination of other barriers to entry to the domestic market for foreign products), improving the investment clima...

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