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Реферат The theory and practice of antimonopoly regulation

sive products may appear in non-monopolized industry, but there such excesses are only a temporary episode. The competition quickly puts everything in its place. An unscrupulous manufacturer changes his attitude, or being displaced from the market by competitors. Nothing threatens the power of the monopolist due to insurmountable barrier to the industry even in the long term. The market cannot solve the problem alone. Only the state can improve the situation in these circumstances, conducting an antitrust policy. It is not accidently that in our time there is no developed country where there was no special antitrust legislation and no special authority to oversee its implementation.main task of antitrust authorities is to promote the formation of market relations on the basis of competition and entrepreneurship, the protection of the interests of small business. This problem can be viewed as constructive. Its performance is inextricably linked to the other - state control enforcement of antitrust laws. Monitoring is carried out in different directions: prevention, limitation and suppression of monopolistic activity and unfair competition, prevention of undue concentration of capital. Methods for realization of these tasks provide a basis to call them repressive.on the communication competence of the antimonopoly body to its tasks there are several groups of powers antitrust authorities:

Powers, aimed at promoting competition and enterprise (for achieving the objectives of the creative nature);

Power related to state control and compliance with antitrust laws;

Authority for the application of measures and accountability for violators of legislation.authority to promote competition and entrepreneurship:. Analyzing and evaluation of the competitive environment in the commodity markets .. Determination of the dominant position of the entity .. The development of recommendations for the development of competition in the commodity markets .. Clarification on the application of antitrust laws.authority to exercise state control over compliance with antitrust laws:. Decision-making and issuing orders for violations of antitrust laws .. Anti-monopoly control of the auction .. Involvement of violators of antitrust laws to justice .. Right to antitrust authorities to claim in court .. The creation and maintenance of the Register of antitrust authorities.improvement of federal law plays a special role in shaping the legal framework of competitive market relations. In this connection it is necessary to accelerate the development and adoption of federal laws and other regulations on registration of legal entities, licensing, protection of competition in the financial markets, the competitive procedure for the distribution of orders for the supply of goods for state needs . A clear legal regulation of these matters at the federal level would significantly limit the violations of law and abuses of power, and will enable manufacturers to effectively defend their rights and interests. br/>

.2 Antitrust regulation of monopolies

high efficiency of natural monopolies makes their crushing absolutely unacceptable. This does not mean that the government may refrain from regulation of natural monopolies, because their uncontrolled activity may harm the economy. These structures are trying to solve their problems by raising tariffs and prices. The implications for the country's economy are the most destructive. Production costs in other areas increases, defaults grow, interregional connections ties are paralyzed. The natural character of a monopoly position creates an opportunity for effective work, but does not guarantee that these opportunities will be realized in practice. Basic way to tackle the negative aspects of natural monopolies is the state control after pricing in natural monopoly and after the volume of the production. Price regulation of natural monopolies requires mandatory binding maximum value prices for the products of a monopolist. In this case the consequences of this regulatory action are directly dependent on the particular level at which prices are fixed. Another difficult problem related to natural monopoly refers to their status: whether or not these companies should be public or private? The origins of this problem are connected to the fact that natural monopolies are very specific subject of the economy, which has never operated on a purely market principles. If the natural monopoly excludes competition, if the consumer is absolutely devoid of choice, though many other mechanisms of functioning of the market are broken, is not it better to manage the natural monopolies, not as private but as state-owned enterprises? Traditional arguments in favor of nationalization are connected to the fact that for the state enterprise it is easier to carry ...

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