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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The essence of democracy and its core values

Реферат The essence of democracy and its core values

ing and, through their elected representatives, especially in the legislative structure;

The mechanisms of direct democracy at the national level only in solving the most essential for the existence of the state and its political system problems (change state territory, etc.). At the lower levels of government direct democracy is used widely - in the form of plebiscites and referenda on many issues of the communities and regions and direct meetings and participation in self-governing bodies;

Recognition of the inevitability of conflict as normal and even conflict of interests and thus develop mechanisms of social and political pluralism, ensuring coordination of interests and conflict resolution;

Legality opposition and competition in the struggle for gaining power positions that directly derived from the plurality and competition for rice as a modern democracy;

Guarantee the rights and freedoms, which provide a higher degree of personal freedom than ancient democracy. It is this trait has led to the name of modern democracy as a liberal;

Wide citizenship and high levels of popular participation in politics, which provide the maximum reduction or withdrawal of licenses and (property age, sex, education, residence) and social involvement previously passive groups to civic participation;

Free media, which play a decisive role in political communication, forming a core of modern democratic process.the second half of XIX century. and the whole XX century. democracy was the notion that capacity a universal and comprehensive content, the system of views and ideologies, it identified a number of liberal values ​​and ideals of projective (which significantly affect the reality and promote change.) These include protection of minorities, the seriousness ( not "decorative") struggle for power, openness, autonomy, participation in decision making, achieve greater social equality and more. These features refine current understanding of the democratic ideal, the understanding of democratic governance as a manifestation of the rule of people and their right to control and change the government. br/>

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