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Реферат The comparative analysis of an education system in Finland and Kazakhstan

education, materials and are free with their wishes and preferences. There is not a single subject organized only for girls or boys, everything is up to them, what is a little bit different from my country. The case of free education is not a surprise for Europe. But almost the absence of private sector is not so common. And this has a great impact on people s equality; it narrows down the families economic background and people do not try to emphasize it later, after graduation as well. During the difficult XXth century, when Finland experienced several crises, it was a good governmental decision to make people united. The situation in Kazakhstan differs. There is a ranking list of schools and the schools effectiveness will also differ. Some gymnasiums, lycées or private school are considered to be for the best childre n or not poor families.2003 many educational researches mentioned that some of the key factors for Finland in PISA are good educated parents, and a popular reading habit. The more educated parents the better they understand the necessity of education, and they themselves are good examples for their children. Finnish people and students as well do read a lot. According the PISA s questionnaire more and more students prefer to read online; it can be a newspaper, a magazine, random articles or even forums, but real newspaper reading is still on the first place and while usual books are loosing their popularity. (The Finnish success in PISA - and some reasons behind it, 2007, p 28) school in Finland will have at least one teacher of special education. And each student can attend his classes at least once or twice a week. Special education here does not mean education for the weakest students, who are behind everyone. Any student, even one of the best performing still can attend these classes, and reasons for this may be different. Some students could be ill and did not go to school for several days and now it is difficult for them to understand the topic; some students might be very sensitive and can not work in a noisy atmosphere or maybe some students just can not understand the theory or rule, and they will prefer to see a special teacher. (The Finnish success in PISA - and some reasons behind it, 2007, p 48) I really like the idea of ​​special teacher and school counselor, because they can provide students with all the necessary support and guidance.ability to observe and study education in Finland awoke me to re-thing my vision of teaching. And if one day I am teacher, I will try to make my classes student-oriented, where everybody will be involved. I will make more discussions, give students a voice, let them speak and express their thoughts. I will give them exercises where they will need to make a quick research or...

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