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Реферат Phraseological unit as a newspaper title

the theme of the whole text.play the role of the sign on the text similarly to personal names, which names geographical object, plant, steamship, living being and etc. The predicative headline represent itself unrolled theme, containing central or main idea. Such titles are more informative and can give the fullest production about the text. The second type of headlines is a partially informative one. They express not whole theme, consisting of subject and predicate, but only one of its part - as logical theme. The partially informative turtles are rather widespread in newspaper. They meet even in brief items.elements of the text (the beginning, ending) are one of the aspects of the connection of the headline with text. The title of the text enters in especially close connections with these elements of the text exactly. The headline, beginning, and the ending - these are the three strong elements of the text in perception. The addressee of information - a reader - in the first place pays attention to these elements of the text.main way of the reading, perception any text lays - from beginning to the ending. Text are perceived by reader (or listener) not instantly, but gradually, usually by reading the text from beginning to the ending 1 . expressive correlation of the analyzed components on the text appears then when they enter in direct connection. The headline by some means is repeated in initial lines of the text, it is brought forth onward, specially occupies stylistic strong position. Herewith reader s attention is pointed on idea, comprised in title.all this promotes to the active perception of the text.of one lexical-semantic field are repeated. The lexical repetition of the word from headline at the beginning can be accompanied by the question that arouses the reader s interest and forces the reader to address to text.close semantic connection of the title and rented idea appears then, when at the beginning referring element is used, the reader is goes back to the headline and direct perception of the text.newspaper-style is a system interconnected lexical, phraseological and grammatical means, special linguistically phenomena, executing informative function. Organization of the language elements of style depends on extra linguistic factors.specifics soft the newspaper as public phenomena and general specifics of mass communication confess newspaper is more specifics. The newspaper is a media and faculty of the belief. It is indented for mass and besides much not uniform auditorium, which she must hold, forces to read. Thence necessity to organize newspaper and to transfer information quickly, briefly, report main even through article (text) will not be read up to the end, and have on reader definite emotional influence. Text must not require from reader a preliminar...

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