determined that all special tools used in administrative termination cases and in the manner prescribed above mentioned Law;
The use of physical force, special means and firearms must be preceded by a warning of the intention to use them if circumstances allow;
Without warning these measures can be used if there is a direct threat to the life or health of citizens or police officers. [2] is, if the use of force are general in nature and does not clearly define the application of each type of special equipment, weapons in certain circumstances (arrest of the offender, a person suspected of a crime, stopping group of disruption, riots). On arms of subjects of public relations, who have the right to use force, a large arsenal of specialized tools and should clearly define the conditions for the application of the specific engine separately. 14 of the Law of Ukraine "On Police" indicates the nature of alternative hypotheses (a kind of complicated): "Kind of a special tool, start time and intensity of its use are determined by the situation that has developed, the nature of the offense and the offender, "that is, it is assumed that since the legal norms in force enough of one of these in her factual circumstances. above hypothesis does not indicate the specific conditions of use of a special tool (or species) - the active defense of special operations, small explosives sniffing dogs), procedures and limits the use of force in terms of the possible use of special equipment arsenal under the administrative termination of employees of certain departments law enforcement. Due to the fact it is an abstract that does not contribute to the strengthening of the rule of law. it comes to the use of water cannon, armored vehicles, tear substances dogs hypothesis should not be abstract and kazustychnoyu - that link the implementation of legal norms, occurrence, change or cease certain relationships with certain strictly defined individual cases (incident) - Termination of Administrative delinquency, crime, riots. Consider the following element of the legal rules governing the use of special means of administrative termination (disposition) is the main part of the legal provisions, contains the relevant rules of lawful conduct carried out in the presence of under the hypothesis conditions. , A law enforcement officer himself must navigate an emergency situation, prior to the use of special tools. last stage in the mechanism of regulation - a direct application of special means of administrative suspension, which is optional and is a conservative act, which is intended to ensure that all subjects of public relations to certain rules of conduct, used as a last resort, when freely realize the legitimate rights and interests are not possible. If the rule of law on the use of force has failed formulating the probability of violation of law increases (erroneous assessment of the situation of public legal e...