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Реферат What strategy are most effective in the conditions of globalization

onnected with policy risks

Political instability in some developing states won't allow to count on that degree of reliability of business which is warranted by developed countries.

The expenses connected with social risks

The decision on moving of assets British Telecom abroad has led to debate with labor unions and has caused disapproving reaction of employees that has enough cost much to the company

Adaptation of the offer of the company to specificity of the local markets. The world market only in rare instances can be perceived as uniform and homogeneous. Distinction of cultures, methods of consumption, legislative arrangements and rules forces the enterprises which want to react effectively to the demand existing in other countries, to adjust the offer for local conditions.

Besides it is necessary to conduct a clear boundary meanwhile that should be global, and that shouldn't lose local color. The main condition of success of the integrated enterprise - an embodiment in life of those processes which will allow to benefit by scale economy thanks to some standardization and personification without which not to manage at local level. So, pharmaceutical company GE has developed the Chinese version of goods. Unlike the USA, in China of 80% асортиментних positions GE implements at half price. Thanks to it enterprise goods so well disperses in the local market that it takes in the lead positions in the segment. br/>

3. Virtual life of the real company

Creation of the "virtual" enterprise - other method of action in the conditions of the global market. The companies choosing this strategy, specialize on the one and only operation, and the others charge to the partners from other countries. So arrives, for example, IBM. Since 2004 it works as the integrated "Virtual" enterprise which receives accessories from different suppliers (fig. 2). Ready computers are produced by the Chinese company of Lenovo, and itself IBM renders consulting services and provides technical support of decisions on the basis of these the personal computer.

В  В В 

Batteries. Production is entrusted to the Asian service centers under specifications IBM

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The Keyboard It is produced in Thailand


Drawing 2. IBM as "virtual" production. br/>

The success of strategy of the "virtual" enterprise is provided with following factors:

Гј The company superiority in a certain type of activity. "The virtual" enterprise which intends to specialize on the one and only operation, should carry out it much better other partners (tab. 2). So, the success of the company of Apple in a case with iPod is based first of all on its skill in the field of design. And the most part of other works is charged those partners which are considered competent of the областях: Toshiba delivers a hard disk, ARM - the processor, Sharp - memory, and all it the Taiwan company Inventec.Takoj collects together the approach has allowed Apple in record term (between concept development iPod and the beginning of its sales has passed only one year) to create absolutely new product, and with rather competitive price;

Table 2. Examples of specialization of the "virtual" enterprises.


A company example







Creation of microprocessors. p> Software development. p> Assemblage of accessories and sale of the personal computer.

Services (consultation, logistics and so on).



Research, product development, marketing.



Design and goods quality control.

Гј Creation of an essential part of cost of a product. Specialization on one type of activity is profitable only in the event that the business dealing model provides the companies strong position among other participants of process. For example, the Intel...

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