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Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

fferent world. The explanation is simple: in Canada there are two official languages, English and French. Why does that make a difference? make up in your mind for a second if Spanish were the major language of the six New England states, plus New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia, and both Virginia and West Virginia. Imagine other if English remained the major language in other states. makes the US relating to as Spanish as Canada is French. If there were the case, do you think US businesses would go on to communicate only in English? Would restaurants in Boston translate their menus for tourists from the southern and western states? What concerning the central government? When one-quarter of the whole people speaks a alternative language and is geographically concerted in a single region, all have to be translated: administrative documents, public signs, quad decisions, manufactured goods packaging, and promotion-the whole thing! A Bilingual Country Full of Unilingual People unexpectedly few Canadians in fact speak both English and French. In actuality, 7 of the 10 provinces are so especially English; you possibly will go days or weeks exclusive of hearing a word of French. Consider this: Canadas easternmost region, Newfoundland and Labrador, is house to in relation to half a million people. In the 2006 poll, 494,345 of them claimed to speak only English at home, versus 650 who claimed to talk only French. About 4.7% of the provinces inhabitants supposed they fluent in French. In Canadas westernmost region, British Columbia, 3,341,285 scheduled English as their house language opposed to only 15,325 who listed French. In fact, for every person who spoke French at home, more than 41 spoke a nonofficial language such as Cantonese or Punjabi. About 5.2% of British Columbians claimed to be simple in French. The picture is totally different in Canadas popular French province, Quebec. There, slightly more than 6 million citizens out of a whole population of about 7.5 million speak French at home, compared to a number of 745,000 who use English and 520,000 who speak a another language. , Like the speech of money, rule, and worldwide trade, is extensively spoken by Quebecers, who have the improvement of living in close proximity to English Canada and the US In international Montreal, house of a vast migrant population, many citizens are in fact trilingual; there are speaking Portuguese, Chinese, or other languages ??at home, and English and French in public. Above four million Quebec citizens dont speak English at all. In Quebec, 95.3% of people are national French speakers and two-thirds unilingual. Native English stand for less than 1.5% of the whole population and in fact outnumbered the third language groups, stand for 2.8% of the inhabitants. The outstanding 0.4% claim English and French like mother tongues. In general, only 18% Canadians fluent in English and French, there are francophone Land of Translation These demographic realities made Canada an universal head in translation. it is only 0.5% of the world population, occupies completely 10% of the worldwide translation advertise. The major manager of translators is the national government. Its Translation government department has 1,200 paid translators, interpreters, terminologists, and localization specialists. Not simply act these professional translate reams of documents, typically from English into French...

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