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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

language of Canada. In 1969, that through there after the Act of Union declared official only the English language in the country, accepted fact, it meant that the parliamentary debate, where everyone chooses has the legal right to speak on any of the two languages ??should be provided with translation, all legislative acts of government, archives, records parliamentary hearings must be developed and published in two languages?, and later in two languages ??and legal proceedings underway. It is hard to imagine what an enormous amount of translation involves the law, which the army of translators to ensure its implementation! In 1997, Canada had about 12,000 officially registered professional translators. Translation activities evolved in this industry sector the country with all the characteristic of this socio-economic phenomenon attributes.we should not assume that the translational activity in Canada is actively conducted only in the formal sector. The industrial character of translation activity in Canada is reset by the fact that in Quebec - the largest by area and second in population highly industrialized province in the country - the main language is French since 1977, when it adopted the Charter of the French language, it is the main official language of the province. This means that the French language is not only an administrative, but also all production activities. It is easy to understand that in the English-speaking Quebecers environment need to take a lot of effort in the field of translation, to ensure normal economic relations with its neighbors.of the Charter made active complex and continuing process «Fransizaton» the enterprises of Quebec, begun in 1971 «Fransizaton», ie transition to the French language in all industrial area, could not, certainly, with advantage without active participation of translators. On them, apparently, the basic weight of this process as the most complex and labour-consuming during «Fransizaton» manufactures was to process the engineering specifications, being basically in English also has laid down, to translate it on other language. It seemed, that the period of mass translation, so important at the beginning, having prolonged by some time, inevitably will pass, as objective «Fransizaton» was elimination of the old contradiction existed in Quebec between English language - language of manufacture, and French- language dialogue.in due course the demand for a translation service for Quebec did not become less. On the contrary, only for ten years - with 1985 on 1995 - their number has increased more than in one and a half time (with 7450 up to 11 790 person) 1. Transition to the French language in сфе ¬ ре manufacture has given a new impulse of translational activity: now for dialogue with English-speaking neighbors from others Canadian provinces, as well as with partners from the United States it was necessary to translate the documentation on English language. Thus, translational activity was not reduced, has changed only its orientation: from intraeconomic it has turned in external economic. Translational activity of the enterprises English-speaking provinces Canada, interested in attitudes with partners in Quebec has external character alsoch ways, Canada seems and feels similar to America. Their big, extensive cities, sports stadiums, shops, and the same unique sense of liberty and novelty found all through the US But while speaking about translation, it is a whole di...

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