n about the user and his list of friends.database has a special table to add a new user. Pic.7
Pic 7
4.3 Develop queries.
The database contains three query with different functions. Two of them with a parameter and with a sorting.
«Search Online history» - A parameter query, the search for nickname.
Pic 8
«Search Users» - This request performs sorting by fields «Name», «nickname», «mail», «Regestration date».
Pic 9
«Message List» - A parameter query, the search is on nickname. Displays all messages
Pic 10
4.4 Reports
Reports generate in Microsoft excel, using a special button.
Pic 11
database is a trial version of the Forum database .. database allows you to:
. 1. View and sort all the necessary information about the forum.
. 2. Use query to view the details of all of the information about a particular object.
3. 3. Create new users.
4. 4. Generate reports.
5. 5. This database contains several forms and grouped tabs ..
Database includes:
· 6 main tables
· 2 directory
· 8 screens to fill or modifying tables
· 2 main screen
· 3 simple queries
· 3 of the screen for queries
· Reports
· You can add users
1) Lyadova LN Basics of Database Access: Textbook.- A method of manual / Perm branch of the HSE.- Perm, 2009.
) Electronic resource http / / ru.wikipedia.org /