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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

ls. Fur riches of Canada drew attention and British. Between groups of British and French constantly there were armed conflicts. The competing fur and fur companies tried deception and bribery to win round Indian tribes, kindled between them hostility. The indigenous people was pushed aside to deaf areas and died out. Now Indians and Eskimos slightly more than one percent of the population. As soon as the USA gained independence, they began to be lost in contemplation of the English colonies. In one thousand eight hundred forty sixth it was established that the forty ninth parallel becomes border between the USA and Canada. But also after that there were armed conflicts because of the Canadian lands. To protect the colonies in North America, England needed to unite them politically and economically. For this purpose in one thousand eight hundred sixty seventh them transformed to federation - one of the first dominions of Great Britain. The government of England encouraged emigration from the mother country to Canada. In one thousand eight hundred eighty fifth the Atlantic and Pacific coasts were connected by the transcanadian railroad. In Canada the American methods of development of capitalism gained distribution in agriculture. In fertile steppe provinces the system of the almost free was applied distributions to immigrants of the big land plots. At the beginning of the twentieth century Canada turned into the largest supplier of wheat to the world market.After railway construction and settling of prairies development of mineral and power richness of the country began. At the beginning of the twentieth century the American and English companies constructed here the first mines, hydroelectric power stations, pulp-and-paper and steel works. Canada became one of the largest producers of non-ferrous metals: aluminum, lead, zinc, nickel, copper, wood pulp, newsprint, timber. From one thousand nine hundred third to one thousand nine hundred fourteenth to Canada arrived two and a half million new settlers. Except British among them there were natives of Germany, from the Scandinavian Peninsula, from the former Austro-Hungary, from imperial Russia and other countries. Now English-Canadian - about the one second the population, French-Canadian - more the one fourth. Here lives very many Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Dutches.

. Population

population of Canada totals only thirty million people, and its most part lives on a narrow strip along border with the USA hundred sixty kilometers wide and of six thousand kilometers. To population growth equally immigration and natural increase of the population promotes. Canada represents about zero whole five tenth percent of the population of the globe. According to the experts, in two thousand twenty sixth Canada will total thirty six million inhabitants. The majority of the Canadians, seventy six percent, live in the cities, and twenty three - in rural districts. According to the last population census, thirty one percent of the population of Canada live in three largest cities of the country - Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Life expectancy in Canada - seventy four years for men and eighty one years for women. It is one of the highest rates in the world. Statistically, the average size of a family is equal in Canada three persons in which one child is included. The size of a family remains invariable since one ...

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