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Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

ging the terms of the contract;- Reissued once changes in the conditions of the contract 3) Unsecured loans: - Current in the presence of overdue payment%% to 5 days inclusive;- If the arrears of principal up to 5 days or less;- Rescheduled once without changing the terms of the contract 4) Preferential loans and loans to insiders at any overdue payment of principal or%% to 5 days inclusive 50% 4 Bad loans1) Secured loans: - Current in the presence of overdue payment%% over 180 days;- If the arrears of principal in excess of 180 days; 2) Insufficient secured loans: - Current in the presence of overdue payment%% over 30 days;- If the arrears of principal more than 30 days;- Rescheduled twice with changing conditions of the contract;- Rescheduled more than two times regardless of changes in the conditions of the contract 3) Unsecured loans: - Current in the presence of overdue payment%% More than 5 days;- If the arrears of principal over 5 days;- Reissued at least once with the changes in the conditions of the contract;- Reissued more than once regardless of changes in the conditions of the contract; 4) Preferential loans and loans to insiders at any overdue payment of principal or%% More than 5 days 100% our example, the borrower LLC »Tamara« should be attributed to the first risk.order to maintain stability and sustainable functioning of the Russian banking system, commercial banks are required to create a reserve for possible loan losses. Allowance for possible loan losses is used only to cover the outstanding clients (banks) loan principal debt.division of Sberbank of Russia and its affiliates produce monthly (as of the first of the following month) risk adjustment of all outstanding loans and debt equated to the loan, taking into account the change of the actual loan or other similar loan debt, loan risk (changes in the duration terms of overdue debt payments equated to loan), the official currency exchange rate set by the Bank of Russia on the last day of the reporting month (for a loan or debt to loan in foreign currency) per table number 2 »Table loan classification based on the formalized criteria for assessing credit risks. " (Application number 4) reduce the possibility of incurring losses as a result of the credit relationship Samara AK Bank SB RF uses a form of security for the repayment of the loan (mortgage, guarantee, surety, etc.). In our case, as security was granted bail.level of risk attached. And the methods of its regulation now have to add control over the use of credit and periodic inspection of the mortgaged property., giving credit for one another, Samara AK Bank SB RF generates its loan portfolio. There is a need to analyze and assess specific risks the Bank faces in any form operations. Here it is a question of the risks within the population of borrowers.type of risk assessmentstage involves the calculation of estimates of risk by determining the probability that the bank will incur a certain amount of loss. In other words, based on a risk assessment is to find the relationship between specific dimensions bank losses and the probability of their occurrence. This dependence is reflected in the curve being built specifically probabilities of occurrence of a certain level of losses. Construction of the curve - an extremely difficult task, requiring of employees dealing with risk, sufficient knowledge and experience. To construct the curve of probability of occurrence of a certain level of losses, or ...

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