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Реферат Professional sea English language

se just mentioned, but ail have a greater depth than +5 fathoms (9ml) over them . Minni-Minni patch, with a depth of 17 feet (5m2) over it, lies 872 cables north-westward of the mined settlement at Minni-Minni. The lagoon southward of Minm-Mmm patch is studded with dangers; but vessels can proceed to within 3 miles of its southern end by keeping a careful look-out from aloft, and of buoying the intricate parts. (To stud - усеівающіе, всипати; intricate складний, заплутаний; aloft-нагорі, нарізна) Dangers. ~ Bank du Vaudreuil lies maidway between the north-eastern side of Nosi Ovi and the northern shore of Rafaralahi bay between Sangajira point and Anorontsangana. This bank is broken in the centre by a passage with depths of from +5 to 8 fathoms (9ml to 14m6), there are some rocks awash on the southern part of the bank, and depths of less than 3 feet (0m9) over the northern part. A detached, 2l/2 - fathom (4m6), coral patch lies 23/4 miles north-westward; a rock with a depth of less than 6 feet (lm8) over it, lies about a mile northward; and some drying patches of reef lie about 2 miles north-north-eastward of Lavalohalika point. A 4-fathom (7m3) bank lies in the middle of the entrance to the bay, about 21/2 miles south-south-westward of the Custom house (Lat 13 В° 55'S, Long. 47 В° 56'E). Coast. - Outlying shoals. - Dangers. - From abreast Maromoni point the outer reef which is of the nature of a submerged barrier reef, and is a continuation of that which begins near Nosi Kivinji off the north-western side of the Am-bavatobi peninsula, continued south-westward , from 10 to 15 miles offshore as far as Bali bay, a distance of 156 miles, or, including the portion northward of Maromoni point (Lat. 14 В° 40'S, Long. 47 В° 28'E), about 230 miles. (Peninsula - півострів)

h) As soundings on this outer reef have been chiefly taken not with the object of finding the shallowest spots on it, but to discover the best passages through, it is not improbable that depths shallower than any charted may be found in many places; consequently, whatever a vessel's draught, it is always best to cross the outer reef by one of the passages indicated, as they have been examined with some exactness. (Spot - місце; improbable ~ неймовірний, неправдоподібний; consequently ~ тому, в результаті)) From Mahajamba bay westward, the principal known shoals on the outer reef, as well as the passes, are all named. The least known depth is 2 fathoms (3m7) but there are very numerous patches with depths of from 3 to 41/2 fathoms (5m5 to 8m2) over them. On Thetis bank, off Cape Tanjjona the coral appears to be still living, and the bottom very irregular; elsewhere the bottom is regular, the coral being dead and almost always covered with sand of seaweed. (Seaweed - морська водорість)) Dangers. - A 43/4 - fathom (8m7) bank lies about 11 miles north-north-westward and another similar patch about 9 miles north-westward of Maro-moni point. These banks are of coral and lie near the western edge of the outer reef.) Diamond bank lies about 7 miles westward of Maromoni point (Lat. 14 В° 40'S, Long. 47 В° 28'E), and 4 miles offshore. There are many heads on this shoal, the least depth being 15 feet (4m6). All these dangers lie on the outer reef. p align="justify">) Westward of Diamond bank there are several 4V4 - fathom (7m8) patches on the outer reef. A bank, with depths of 374 and 4V4 fathoms (5m9 and 8m2) over it, lies about 8 miles south-westward of Maromoni point and three-quarters of a mile offshore, and a 4V2 - fathom (8m2) patch lies about 5l/ 2 miles north-north-eastward of Marolahi point and l3/4 miles offshore. A reef extends at about 7 cables westward of Marolahi point with depth of 4 fathoms (7m3) over the extremity.) A reef, with depths of 2 fathoms (3m7) or less over it, extends 2 cables northward from Mys Fel'kerzama, the northern extremity of the peninsula; it merges into a sand rocky ledge, from 2 to 3 cables wide, with depths of from 3 to 4V4 fathoms (5m5 to 7m8) over it, extending west-north-westward to the western shore of the bay. A black spar buoy, surmounted by a black broom, point up, is moored about 3 cables west-north-westward of the extremity of Mys Fel'kerzama. (To merge - зливатися)) Between Mys Mydela and Mys Filisova, a promontory 237 feet (72m2) high, about 11/2 miles north-eastward, the coast is generally high and indented by several bights, with low shores, which are frequently marshy. There is a fishing station about half a mile south-westward of Mys Filisova. (Promontory мис; to indent - зазубрювати; bight бухта; frequently часто; marshy-болотистий)


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