d learn them by heart
Anchorage - якірне місце, якірна стоянка
Temporary anchorage - тимчасова якірна стоянка
Permanent anchorage - постійна якірна стоянка
Emergency anchorage - запасна якірна стоянка
Safe anchorage - безпечна якірна стоянка
Fair anchorage - хороша якірна стоянка
Excellent anchorage - відмінна якірна стоянка
Exposed anchorage - відкрита якірна стоянка
Sheltered anchorage - захищена якірна стоянка
Special anchorage - якірна стоянка спеціального призначення
Man-of-war anchorage - якірна стоянка для військових кораблів
Quarantine anchorage - карантинна якірна стоянка
Prohibited anchorage - заборонена якірна стоянка Р * "Sufficient - достатній
Р В»- Те afford - надати
^ Те obtain - отримати
w Deep draught - велика осаду
Р * Shelter - укриття, притулок
fr Protection - захист
Р8 "Heavy weather - штормова погода
Р * Local knowledge - знання місцевих умов плавання
W Cable area - рости прокладки кабелю
Р "Prevailing - переважаючий
Р * - Landmark ~ берегової орієнтир
Р В»- Bottom - грунт
Р5 * Fine sand-дрібний пісок
F "Coarse sand-крупний пісок
Р5-Shingle - галька
Р ^ Pebbles - велика галька
Р * Mud - мул
Р ^ 0oz ВЈ - рідкий мул
Р5 'Clay глина
Р ^ Shells - мушлі
Р = "Stone - камінь
Р * "Gravel - гравій
Р "Foul ground - плоходержащій грунт
W Good holding ground-добре тримає грунт
Р "7Ь avoid - ізбегать1. Scan the text and decide whether the statements below are true (+) or false (-). May have to anchor at sea when necessary. They may anchor at places where the depths are sufficient.in depths of from 2 m may be afforded by small crafts. Anchorages in depths of not less than 7,5 m can be obtained by vessels of deep draught.may be of different kinds. There are temporary, permanent, emergency anchorages; they may be safe, excellent, fair, sheltered or exposed to winds.are usual or special-purpose anchorages such as: the man-of-war or quarantine anchorages.anchorages are taken by the ships when they need some shelter or protection to avoid heavy weather for a short time.anchorages are usually outside or inside the port, when the ships have to wait for a vacant berth, or a pilot, or a tug.cable areas anchorage is prohibited and ships should not anchor there.anchorages can be found only by vessels with local knowledge.anchoring the captain of a ship must have full information as to the depths, character of bottom, prevailing winds. He must also know bearings from anchorage to some landmarks. All this information is given in a Pilot book.at anchorages may be: fine or coarse sand, mud, clay shells, stone, coral, etc. Foul ground should be avoided.these statements true (+) or false (-)? ol>
Anchorages in depths of from 3 m may be afforded by vessels of deep draught. ()
Ships may anchor near some port waiting for a pilot or a tug. ()
Ships should not anchor where the depths are sufficient. ()
Permanent anchorages are sometimes outside the ports when the ships have to wait for a vacant berth. ()
All anchorages can be found only by vessels with local knowledge. ()
Ships may anchor at places where the cable runs. ()
After anchoring the Master of a ship must have full information concerning depths, character of bottom, prevailing winds. ()
Foul ground should be avoided by vessels. ()
Exercise 2. Read and translate extracts from the English Pilot books. Check your translation by finding the corresponding Russian translation