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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Нетрадиційні форми уроку як один із способів підвищення ефективності навчання та інтересу до іноземної мови

Реферат Нетрадиційні форми уроку як один із способів підвищення ефективності навчання та інтересу до іноземної мови

he Yeomen Warders, or Beefeaters, who give tours telling the history of the Tower. The large black ravens live in the Tower. It is believed that if they disappear England will fall, so their wings are clipped. St. Paul`s Cathedral is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It was built by sir Christopher Wren. One of its unplanned features is the famous Whispering Gallery raquo ;, where a message whispered into the wall on one side can heard clearly on the other side. Westminster Abbey has been the coronation place of all 39 English monarchs. Many of the monarchs are buried here. It was called the West Monastery. The Abbey contains about 1000 monuments. They commemorate many great names from British history: ministers, writers and poets. Here you can see Buckingham Palace, the London residence of the Queen. The first Queen to live there was the young Queen Victoria. Above the State Entrance is the central balcony where the Royal Family appear on occasions of national importance. The Royal standard flying over Buckingham Palace is the sign that the Queen is in the residence. This Gothic building is the Houses of Parliament, seat of government. The design was made by Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin. The building contains over 1000 rooms, 100 staircases and two miles of corridors. Every year the Queen drives in a horse-drawn carriage amid much pomp and ceremony to open the new session of Parliament. The clocktower of the Houses of Parliament is known as Big Ben. It was named after sir Benjamin Hall, the First Commissioner of Works. The clock is wound by hand, and tells the precise time. Look, this is Trafalgar Square. The square was created to commemorate Nelson`s naval Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The great admiral stands on top of Nelson`s Column, with four lions on guard at the base. Every December, the city of Oslo sends a giant fir tree which is erected in the square to act as a focus for Christmas celebrations. London has a rich cultural heritage. The British Museum houses one of the greatest collections of antiquities representing all the World`s great civilizations. Among its many treasures are the Rosette stone, the Elgin Marbles, the Portland Vase and the collection of Egyptian mummies outside Egypt. British library is situated in the British Museum. The National Gallery has a collection of Italian, Dutch, German and French pictures. The National Gallery is rich in painting by Italian masters, such as Raphael and Veronese. It also has the pictures of Rembrandt, Rubens and El Greco. The Tate Gallery opened in 1897 and is named after Sir Henry Tate, who donated his collection of 65 paintings to the nation. Now it is the National Gallery of Modern Painting. London has many parks and gardens. Hyde Park is one of the best known parks. Originally it was a hunting forest where Henry VIII hunted wild animals. Now it`s popular with horse-riding. In the middle of the park there is the serpentine lake. Regent`s Park is the home of the London Zoo. There are more than 6000 animals and birds in the Zoo.7S-S, Multp.4Practice Look at the computer and say what do you see? Ну а тепер, ви можете задати свої питання нашим гідам. (учні задають свої питання, але якщо «гіди» не можуть відповісти, то вчитель допомагає їм.) I`d like to thank our guides for an interesting tour. But now we`ll go back to our class-room. Imagine that I am your ill classmate and I couldn`t take part in the tour. I`d like you to tell me what you have seen and show me the photos you have taken. (В якості фотографій учні можуть використовувати картинки з визначними пам'ятками Лондона). Хворий вчитель задає такі питання: 1. What are your general impressions of London? 2. What places did you visit? 3. What sights did you like best? Why? 10T-S SS, Multp.5Summary Marks of the lesson ... What have you learn today? Did you like this lesson? 3 особи, відповідних настрою. Open you diaries and write down your h/w p.130 ex. 8 The lesson is over. Goodbye.5T-S



Додаток Л

План-конспект уроку з англійської мови Healthy Eating

Тип уроку : узагальнюючий.

Мета : систематизація та закріплення лексичного та граматичного матеріалу по темі FOOD. EATING в монологічних висловлюваннях, аудіюванні та діалогічного мовлення.


. Навчальні - практика мовленнєвої діяльності (монологічного, діалогічного, аудіюванні);

· активізація лексики з теми;

· повторення і закріплення граматичного матеріалу (модальнідієслова: can, should, would; Present Simple).

2. Розвиваючі - розширення кругозору, розвиток...

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